business mindset

Episode 149: Sharing My 2019 Business Numbers and Looking Back on The Year

WW 149: Sharing My 2019 Business Numbers and Looking Back on The Year

WW 149: Sharing My 2019 Business Numbers and Looking Back on The Year - Soloshow

It’s a new year! I’m excited for this episode because I’m pulling back the curtain and giving you a completely transparent look into my business and at what my numbers were for 2019. I always encourage this type of sharing and love the opportunity to teach realistic numbers and strategies that are based on my own experiences. So we’re taking a look at everything that happened in 2019 and how it turned out! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Recommended listen: Episode 124: My Interview with My Business Coach

  2. Recommended listen: Episode 113: Investing For Retirement For The Online Entrepreneur


  1. Calculate your specific, purpose-driven goals: Download the Easy Profit Roadmap

  2. Get on the Guest List for the Payday Party Workshop (First workshop of 2020 postponed until February 3rd!)

  3. Work with me

  4. Join us for a FREE Money Mindset Webinar January 7th or 8th

A Quick Recap from this episode

The Start of 2019

I was really focused on creating YouTube videos and podcast episodes and mostly launching the Invested program. If I’m being honest, it didn’t launch to my expectations. I had several people join the program before and during the launch, but I was frustrated that the numbers weren’t where I wanted them to be. I felt like I failed because I was too focused on selling the features, instead of focused on selling the transformation.

Around the same time I also made the first big investment in my business and hired a coach. We worked together for 6 months and so much happened in those months. The things that we worked on together really helped me create my current results of being booked out in my programs.

I also invested in making my business feel more legitimate. I couldn’t afford to work with an attorney at the start of business to build contracts that really protected me, so I had always used the same one (which worked when my business and programs were very low risk - you have to time things when they’re right for you!) I finally worked with an attorney to create contracts that really protected the business I was building.

Altogether these big investments were just under $16,000. Do you need to do this to succeed? Not necessarily. The best advice I can give you is to commit to commit. Don’t keep buy courses and paying for coaches and investing in things if you’re not fully commit. Commit to one thing at a time so that you can truly implement the things that come from that investment.

Spring 2019

My coach definitely helped me do some pivoting. I launched the first ever Payday Party workshop. This was after a lot of brainstorming and rebranding with my coach. This was my way of acknowledging and putting out into the world that I was officially working with entrepreneurs, women, and solopreneurs on their finances.

Also in March… I got engaged!

Summer 2019

I really wanted to start diving into the mindset piece. I took a workshop a few years ago where I realized I had a lot of judgments around how other people spent money and it was mainly because I wouldn’t allow myself to spend money on those things. I wanted to work on that judgement and the guilt I had around receiving money.

The workshop was great but I was missing the mindset piece that I wanted. I ended up making a big investment in getting certified in several things surrounding this mindset piece.

Also in July I got legally married!

A lot of personal things happened in 2019. I worked really hard about a year ago on my happiness. Now I don’t feel any of that sadness I used to have. I did a lot of work around being happy and grateful for what I have, and taking control of my own happiness. I am having to work on my perfectionism around speaking Italian and the social anxiety that has started to come along with that.

Fall 2019

August is a big holiday month in Italy, so we just hung around and there was almost a sense of euphoria with not many people being around the area. I don’t remember much of the fall - it was a little bit of a blur - but we’ve been going through a lot of transitions. I had to travel back home in October for a funeral, and when I came back my husband and I were very stressed and tired from not having much of a vacation.

We got a great opportunity to take our dream honeymoon in the Maldives, so we took it. It’s something we had to save for and did a lot of research into, but it was an incredible trip that was much needed for us. We ended up spending about $3,000-4,000 in cash, and most of our money went to the long flight from Italy and the sea plane transfer you have to have when you get there. It was hard to come back from for sure!

Winter 2019

I mainly really worked on preparing the 12 Days of Money Mindset series, which was so fun and so worth it.

The year came out around $90,000 in revenue for me. I would love to be making six-figures and I think a lot of people think that I am, but my want goal for my business isn’t necessarily six-figures and that’s not something I’m necessarily working on.

I ended up paying myself around $50,000 for the year. These aren’t the end all-be all numbers, but I think I ended up spending around $40,000 in big investments this year. I did end up with a little bit of profit and set aside the money for my taxes. I also reinvested some of my savings into the business, and my reinvestments into the business came in around $23,000.

My plan for 2020 is to increase revenue, but we’ll see how that shakes out since our last big life transition for right now is that we’re moving to Switzerland, which I’m so excited about!

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