business mindset

Episode 174: How To Deal With People Who Don’t Believe in Your Vision

WW 174: How To Deal With People Who Don’t Believe in Your Vision

WW 174: How To Deal With People Who Don’t Believe in Your Vision - Solo Show

This episode is all about diving into something I ran into in my journey to becoming a money coach and that I’ve heard come up as an issue for so many people. It isn’t easy to build a business when the people close to you don’t believe in your vision, so I’m diving into why you shouldn’t listen to those people, along with who the 3 types of people are that you should be listening to when it comes to the type of business you want to build and goals you want to achieve. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

This is something that definitely came up in my money coaching journey and something I hear from many people in their journeys too. I wanted to give you some guidelines and advice on how to deal with those people who don’t think your business is going to work out for you.

When you decide on something you want to do, you start talking to people about it, and if they’re not in that industry, they’re probably going to have a lot of questions and maybe some strong opinions too. Maybe it’s your parents or grandparents, and it’s because they’re not entirely sure about building an online business. Just try to understand that if there’s any doubt coming from them, it’s probably coming from a place of love and wanting you to be happy, and often there is a link in people’s minds between feeling happy and having a sufficient income.

Try to make that narrative switch in your head and remind yourself that they just want the best for you, but also remember that their lack of understanding has nothing to do with the fact that you should or shouldn’t be pursuing this. Just because people had a hard time wrapping their head around computers being smaller than the size of classrooms, doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t have pursued it. Imagine what those people probably thought of the idea of home computers, laptops, and smartphones!

Another situation where someone may not support your money coaching business is your friends. They may not see why anyone would want to hire a money coach, and so they’re projecting their uncertainty onto you. This could still be coming from a place of love or even from their own self-judgement. It’s understandable if your friends are in a place where they don’t see the need for a money coach, they’re going to verbalize it, but that doesn’t mean it’s advice that you need to hold onto because they probably aren’t your ideal clients.

Another scenario could be that your partner isn’t on board or is uncertain with your new chosen career path. They may be hard to convince to see the value and see how much good you can do in the world with your money coaching business. It’s important to discuss those bigger life changes and financial decisions with your life partner, but that doesn’t mean you have to listen to their opinion on how successful you can be in this field.

So who are the people you should listen to? Especially if it’s your parents, friends, or partner constantly telling you what they think, who should you be listening to when it comes to the business you want to build?

First and foremost, if you have a mentor or are looking to hire one, that is a good person to listen to. There’s one caveat: this person should be someone who has experience running a business similar to what you are looking to create. There are too many coaches or mentors that have never built a business like the one that they’re coaching you to build. Look for a coach that has done what you’re trying to do.

The second source for you to listen to is going to be your ideal clients. The best people for you to listen to are the people who are looking to hire you. There are definitely people that you want to serve out there, so find them and talk to them. Find out what it is that they think, because they’re the ones that already see value in you and what you do.

The third type of person whose opinion you should give some weight to is your future self. This one may sound a little crazy, but stick with me. There is a more evolved version of you in the future, and you can tap into that now. We’ve all thought about what you would tell a younger version of yourself, so why not think of what you future self would want to tell you now? If you can just for a moment tap into you 5 years from now, you’ll gain some clarity on what you want.

When you start to really grow and succeed in your money coaching business, all those people that doubted you are going to start seeing what you can really do and start seeing the value in it. Focus on listening to the people that have done it or already see the value in it, and focus on the future version of you and what you want, so that you can start really building the money coaching business that you want.

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