business mindset

Episode 198: What You Need To Become a Money Coach

WW 198: What You Need To Become a Money Coach

WW 198: What You Need To Become a Money Coach - Solo Show

So many money coaches believe that they need things like testimonials, a certain level of experience, or even a completely built program before they can truly become a money coach. I believe that ready is a decision and that there are actually only 3 things you truly need to become a money coach, and I’m sharing them today in this episode! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

So many money coaches believe that they need things like testimonials, a certain level of experience, or even a completely built program before they can truly become a money coach. I believe that ready is a decision and that there are actually only 3 things you truly need to become a money coach, and I’m sharing them today in this episode!

What is a coach?

The coach's role is to provide guidance, accountability and support to a client in order for them to reach their goals faster and more effectively than if they tried to do it on their own.

What most coaches think they need:

- Certifications
- Experience
- Confidence
- A Program
- Testimonials

What you actually need to be a money coach:

  1. Start with Integrity - you are your first client

    • You have likely already coached yourself to get the results you have

    • You get to continue coaching yourself moving forward, but having done so for yourself, you have the baseline knowledge to help others

    • Be the client you want to attract

  2. Desire to serve - define the who and the what to be more effective - take what you've facilitated for yourself and do so for others

  3. Resourcefulness - a coach's job is to provide guidance first and foremost so the client has direction - a lot of this guidance comes from the wisdom (knowledge and experience) you've already gained from your own journey, but if there is anything lacking, you can access that wisdom through resourcefulness.

    • You can still be learning and growing and still be an effective coach - you only have to be 1 step ahead of your client to help them get to where you are. Even the gift of perspective can help you be a brilliant coach.

    • Certifications can be useful, but they don't mean that you'll have the clients to coach or implement what you're learning, a lot of times they are there for the ego more than for the material you'll learn from those.

That's it!


(I started and built my coaching business without anything else... just the above. BUT I could have built a lot faster, with more confidence, and more effectively if I had these bonuses)

  1. A framework: Something we help you develop inside WCB.

  2. Communication and human behavioral skills: Understanding that coaching is more about behavioral understanding and change for your clients than regurgitating your expertise. Especially personal finance - it's relatively a simple concept to be good with your money, but what makes it difficult is the human emotion and the need to develop strong habits - understanding why humans do/do not do things is powerful as a coach, but it's not necessary - it can also come through experience AND being a student WHILE you are the teacher - to be able to have a student of your own to implement with.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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