business mindset

Episode 206: How I Overcome My Pricing Mindset Blocks as a Wealth Coach

WW 206: How I Overcome My Pricing Mindset Blocks as a Wealth Coach

WW 206: How I Overcome My Pricing Mindset Blocks as a Wealth Coach - Solo Show

For this episode I’m opening up the doors and sharing my own experience of how I’ve dealt with pricing mindset blocks. This is an issue that runs rampant in the money coaching industry. It can feel hard to charge your clients when you’re working with them on their money situation. I’m going to share some of the blocks I had to overcome and how I did it. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

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A Quick Recap from this episode

For this episode I’m opening up the doors and sharing my own experience of how I’ve dealt with pricing mindset blocks. This is an issue that runs rampant in the money coaching industry. It can feel hard to charge your clients when you’re working with them on their money situation. I’m going to share some of the blocks I had to overcome and how I did it.

Feeling unworthy of building a successful business and charging high-ticket for coaching ($1k plus)

  • Charging high-ticket isn’t about your worthiness, as an entrepreneur, you have to separate you from your business.

  • Second, charging $1k (at least) feels like a LOT of money when you think about it as an expense to your clients, but from a business perspective, it’s not really that much - a big portion of that $1k in revenue is going to go to taxes and business expenses - this is WHY business owners have to charge high-ticket for their coaching, because what you end up getting as the employee of your business is going to likely be half, if not less than half. (This is why I developed the pricing formula)

    • Of course you can, and SHOULD charge more for your coaching. 

    • You do this by niching - becoming a specialist in your space.

    • The Law of Compensation states that, you will always be paid in direct proportion for

      • The need for what you do.

      • Your ability to do it.

      • The difficulty there will be in replacing you.

Feeling guilty about making money from people who are struggling with money.

  • People who pay, pay attention. The investment is part of the transformation for your client.

  • You can’t assume what others are “able to afford”

  • When you’re paid fairly for the work you do as a coach, the better you are at coaching.

  • The cost of your coaching isn’t an expense, it’s an investment for your clients (as much as we need to help our clients see this, WE also have to shift that perspective)

  • Sub-limitation - Feeling out of integrity since I didn’t invest in a money coach myself, or maybe feel like I had the same struggles that my clients are going through

    • Sometimes, it takes investing in your own coach to really cement that value in and see how investments like this work - this also puts you in integrity with your price point and the work you’re trying to do.

Not feeling like I had enough experience to be able to charge more for my coaching.

  • There is no solid definition of when someone is “ready” or when someone knows, has, or is “enough”. 

  • When you think of someone who is “ready” to charge high-ticket for their coaching, you realize that they chose to be “ready”, they chose to be “good enough” despite how they felt or whether they thought they really were.

  • You, as a coach, surely know enough to get started and to be charging for it. You don’t have to claim to be an expert in topics you’re certainly not an expert in, but that’s not what coaching is anyway.

    • Think about it in terms of athletic coaches… they aren’t the “Best” athletes, yet, they coach the athletes. 

    • Your job as the coach isn’t to know all the answers - it’s to help your clients find the answers themselves, or maybe together. Your job isn’t to tell them what to do, it’s to display the options and encourage them to decide and then act.8

Feeling guilty about having a set, less-than-flexible calendar when people are paying me top dollar

  • People fall in line - like when you make an appointment with the doctor, especially when they are paying for it.

How to overcome any block:

  • Bring awareness to it - Determine the block

  • Question it - Is it true? What am I assuming here? How might I be jumping to conclusions? Who is it not true for? How can I find evidence of situations where someone else/something else is experiencing the opposite?

  • Create Safety and Permission for yourself - In EFT we use the set-up phrase: “Even though I ______, I deeply and completely love and accept myself” - Use this, then follow it by, “and it is safe for me to ______” (it is safe for me to charge more than I see others charging for my money coaching / It is safe for me to only work with a few clients who are willing to pay top dollar to have me help them with their money problems / it is safe for me to want more for myself, even when I feel like I should be grateful for what I currently have/have it good now)

  • Take action - Invest in a coach yourself to be in integrity and really act out the experience so you can understand where your clients are coming from and set an example for what you want to be able to do. Bit the bullet and charge - just put it out there, sometimes in order to overcome your block you can’t avoid it and go around, you have to plow through it - the only way you’ll be able to start the next level is to take the leaps. - Manifesting and mindset work isn’t just about thinking, journaling, talking through the issues, it’s also making a plan and doing it scared - when you set the wheels in motion, that’s when the manifestations happen.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!