business mindset

Episode 225: The Real Reason You Hate Sales | Money Coach Edition

WW 225: The Real Reason You Hate Sales | Money Coach Edition

WW 225: The Real Reason You Hate Sales | Money Coach Edition - Solo Show

Today is a quick hitter episode but I want to talk about the real reason you hate selling/sales. This was inspired by a real conversation I had with a client, and ended up with me doing a little soul searching for myself as well. So we’re going to dive in to the real reason sales feels “icky” to you as a money coach. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today is a quick hitter episode but I want to talk about the real reason you hate selling/sales. This was inspired by a real conversation I had with a client, and ended up with me doing a little soul searching for myself as well. So we’re going to dive in to the real reason sales feels “icky” to you.

I was on a call with one of my 1 on 1 clients and we were talking about the sales process. She’s launching her program and has booked some sales calls, but where her break down point happened was actually asking for the money.

Now here’s something interesting I’ve learned as a coach: my clients - who have been successful in selling their programs - all have their own individual break down points in the sales process, and no matter where the break down point exists I find that the reason they come to a decision is because of one particular thing.

But before I tell you what that is, I need to introduce you to the sales concept. There’s so much more to sales than what people realize. It’s so much larger than just a sales call. It’s more than just them giving you money. The sales process actually starts when you talk about an offer and with your marketing. There’s a gray area between marketing and sales, so we often start selling during our marketing.

We start selling when we start sharing about our offer and creating content that our customer consumes and trusts us with and then sales starts to differentiate itself from marketing when we hop on that sales call with them.

And you have to remember that selling continues, even with your clients that have already paid. Selling is the exchange of energy, time, and resources too, not just money. You need your clients, even after they pay, to continue to buy in.

At the end of the day, my success as a coach doesn’t come from the money that I make off of my clients. Yes that allows me to do business and invest it, etc. but I don’t just do this for money. It’s about seeing the success of my clients. In order to see those results, you have to continue to sell and your clients have to continue to invest, not just financially, but with their time, actions, and trust in you.

So now that you understand the sales process, you have to recognize that there are a lot of breakdown points in the process.

I have clients who have trouble asking for the sales call, clients who have trouble in the marketing stage, clients who have trouble having conversations, and clients who have trouble getting the payment.

With this particular client I was talking to, I realized that I needed to bring this idea to you on the podcast, because all of my clients’ break down points lead back to one thing.

The real reason you probably hate sales/selling or thing you’re bad at sales is this underlying fear that we all have of rejection.

The fear of rejection. We all experience this is different ways, which is why it shows up at different points in our process. We create these reasons why “we’re bad” at a particular part of the process or why we should avoid part of the process because we’re afraid of someone rejecting us. We’re afraid to hear “no” from that potential client.

Now that you know and understand the process, you might be thinking of particular areas of your own where you hesitate because you’re afraid of being “salesy” or pushy, but what’s the underlying reason for that? We’re afraid of what people will think.

I think of sales as an opportunity for a door to open and for me to walk through it, but so often we stand in our own way, and create reasons for a break down point to exist. And so often, it’s just the potential of people rejecting us - we don’t even know if they will, but we convince ourselves that they will.

So now that we know that’s the real reason, how do we resolve this?

On the one hand, it’s easier said than done, which is why working with a coach is so beneficial, but I want to share 3 things that will help:

1. It gets easier and easier, but it really gets better with just trying, just be willing to feel the fear and do it anyway. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

2. Actually having a program that you feel really confident in makes this process so much better. Go back to what you’re offering and make sure you can articulate what you offer, what the value is, and what transformation they’ll get from it.

3. Do some affirmations. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that we are safe. It’s safe for us to have a business, want to make money, put ourselves out there, ask for help, and ask for someone to make an investment into something we’ve created.

So I think this is so important and the answer to so many people out there who are afraid of being “salesy,” who hate sales, who don’t feel like they fully understand selling. We’re all afraid of rejection, but have to work through that fear to get to the other side of this journey where we get to work with clients, change their lives, and make money doing it.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!