business mindset

Episode 241: 9 Powerful Questions to Ask During Your Money Coaching Sessions

WW 241: 9 Powerful Questions to Ask During Your Money Coaching Sessions

WW 241: 9 Powerful Questions to Ask During Your Money Coaching Sessions - Solo Show

Today I’m sharing something I’m really excited about. I’m going to share 9 questions that you can ask during a coaching session that are so powerful. These are questions that maybe you’ve been searching for. If you’ve been worried about holding space for your client to feel safe talking through their finances, then you probably want to know how to ask a question that feels safe and nonjudgemental. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 235: 5 Key Questions To Ask During a Money Coaching Sales Call

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  4. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!

  5. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!


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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today I’m sharing something I’m really excited about. I’m going to share 9 questions that you can ask during a coaching session that are so powerful. These are questions that maybe you’ve been searching for. If you’ve been worried about holding space for your client to feel safe talking through their finances, then you probably want to know how to ask a question that feels safe and nonjudgemental.

Remember that you always want to ask questions that are based in “what” or “how” not “why.” When you ask a “why” based question you open up for reasoning vs. getting to the actual facts without emotion. Asking why can also come off a little bit accusatory, so avoiding those types of questions lets your client focus more on having a breakthrough.

So let’s dive right in to the 9 questions:

1. What are we celebrating this week?

This is a great one to start the call off on a high note. There’s always something to celebrate even if you have to dive outside of finances to find something.

2. What didn’t get done this week?

We’re often celebrating what we got done, and we’ve usually set some sort of accountability and homework that should have been done, so this is a chance to see if there are any tasks that didn’t get checked off.

3. What got in the way?

You obviously wouldn’t ask this if they actually completed all of the tasks they were trying to get done, but if there was something, this is a great question to ask instead of “why didn’t you do it?” Don’t open the door for storytelling and reasons. Try to work with them to find out what actually stood in the way of them completing that task.

4. How are you feeling about that?

We already got the facts (what got in the way), so now this is where you get to tap into the feelings. They’re going to open up and then you can take your coaching deeper with your client. As they’re responding, keep asking “what else?” or “tell me more about that.” When you do this it lets your client expand and dig deeper past the one word answers or surface level reasons.

5. How do you want it to feel?

They’re probably not feeling to good about what they didn’t get done and why, so this is a chance to reverse that. Allow them to explore the idea that it doesn’t just have to feel like one thing. Find ways to make that feeling available to them.

6. How would you like your money management to look?

Have them explain how they would come up with the solution to the problem. What would it look like for them? This can really help you with your coaching is something really isn’t working with them. (You can exchange “money management” with anything.) Then consider trying to co-create the solution with them.

7. What small step can we begin to implement today to begin making progress toward that new ideal.

This is where you’re asking them what is something small that they can do that will get them closer to that feeling that they want to have and avoid the obstacle that got in the way in the beginning.

8. How can I best hold you accountable at taking that action?

You want to coach your client in the way that makes them the most susceptible to a breakthrough, so knowing how they would like to be held accountable helps you to make sure you’re providing support in the right place and helping them take that small step.

9. How can I best support you between now and our next session?

This is a great one because you could get a variety of answers. Some people want to talk to you every day and some just want a check in or to feel inspired by you. This is a great way for you to make sure that they feel supported.

Those are the questions! You may not ask all 9 in every session, but these are great openers to start problem solving with your client and let them take responsibility for creating the feelings that they want and holding themselves accountable.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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