business mindset

Episode 242: For When You’re Questioning and Doubting Everything in Your Finance Coaching Business

WW 242: For When You’re Questioning and Doubting Everything in Your Finance Coaching Business - Solo Show

Today’s show is really close to me because it’s something that I think we all deal with and I finally learned something that really helped me through the feeling of constantly questioning and doubting when I was starting out as a money coach. I kept wondering if I was really cut out for this and knowing there were things I didn’t want to do because it didn’t feel easy. I wanted to offer some insight, personal experience, and advice that’s been passed on to me so that if you hit a point where you’re doubting yourself, this might help you. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today’s show is really close to me because it’s something that I think we all deal with and I finally learned something that really helped me through the feeling of constantly questioning and doubting when I was starting out as a money coach. I kept wondering if I was really cut out for this and knowing there were things I didn’t want to do because it didn’t feel easy. I wanted to offer some insight, personal experience, and advice that’s been passed on to me so that if you hit a point where you’re doubting yourself, this might help you.

So let’s talk about what’s really going on. I’ve experienced this myself throughout my business and I also have clients who have experienced it. A lot of people mistake feeling discomfort as a sign to not do something, but what you’re really experiencing is the discomfort of being outside your comfort zone.

So you’ve taken the step and now you’re really uncomfortable and the reason you’re being kept up all night overthinking is because your subconscious is feeling that push of things being different and changing. It’s sending you alerts to go make to the comfy, cozy space that you’re used to. It feels like fear but it’s really just the discomfort of doing something you’re not used to.

We always hear the phrase (it may be from Einstein but the origins are a little murky) that “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity” but oftentimes we think we can create change within our zone of comfort. The truth is that you have to step out of that comfort zone to be able to create change. The moment you take that step is when all of these uncomfortable feelings are going to start to come about.

This is when all the questioning and doubting happens because your brain is trying to course correct back into your comfort zone, but you’re trying to step into something bigger. So many people decide to take that step and start working toward a goal and then they realize what it takes to make it happen and how uncomfortable they have to get. Then they go back to their comfort zone and never want to try again.

Another reason people get stuck questioning and doubting themselves is because nothing happens overnight. We make these decisions and start doing the work and then expect to see results right away, and when we don’t we get discouraged. Change doesn’t happen right away, so you have to stick it out and keep working and keep being a little uncomfortable to build that traction and work up to the results.

So here’s the lesson: building a business (especially a money coaching business because of how sensitive the topic is) takes a lot of courage. It takes a lot of courage to decide you want to make an impact and help other people and build something that defies what you’ve been taught to do.

Think of the people you know that are courageous. Now think about what they had to do for you to call them courageous. Then realize that what you have to do to be a courageous person is never comfortable. Courage feels like turning into a new person and you have no idea who it is that you’re becoming. You’re stripping away the questions and fears and self-doubt and putting on an armor of discomfort.

It’s uncomfortable, but it’s also so powerful. It’s why we look at courageous people in such a positive light and why we look up to them. If you’re feeling the doubt and questioning and feeling uncomfortable, but you still want to do this, it’s going to take feeling the fear and doing it anyway, put yourself out there, and do things differently than what you’ve been doing in the past. And you’ll have to continue to do it until you see change.

I hope this resonated with you, and I hope that you’ll be able to refer back to this in those moments where you’re doubting yourself and questioning whether or not you can do this. Hit me up on Instagram @tess_wicks and let me know how you felt about this episode!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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