business mindset

Episode 244: Struggling to Take Action? Here Are 3 Things To Keep In Mind

WW 244: Struggling to Take Action? Here Are 3 Things To Keep In Mind - Solo Show

If you feel like you need to learn more about why we do and do not take action and feel like you’re struggling to actually jump in and take action on things, then this one is for you! So many business owners give up because they didn’t actually take the action they needed to take. For this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve learned behind the why, along with some tips and resources that will help you. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Helpful Resource: Scott H. Young - Why Action Is Hard

  2. Helpful Resource: Startup Bros - Overthinker’s Guide to Taking Action: A Complete Guide

  3. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  4. Hop on the waitlist for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint so that you’re first to know when enrollment opens for the next round!

  5. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!

  6. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

If you feel like you need to learn more about why we do and do not take action and feel like you’re struggling to actually jump in and take action on things, then this one is for you! So many business owners give up because they didn’t actually take the action they needed to take. For this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve learned behind the why, along with some tips and resources that will help you.

I did a lot of research into what holds people back because in addition to what has and hasn’t worked for me, I also wanted you to have more resources for those moments when you’re kicking yourself for not taking action. Through this research, I found 3 main things that are crucial when it comes to consistently taking action.

First let’s dive into a few realizations I came across in my research:

Taking action or not taking action is a choice. Action is really the most highly correlated thing that will lead to your success. And inaction is oftentimes what leads us to not see the results that we want. This means that what’s more important to remember is that not taking action is an action. Actions are always derived by decisions that we make, so we can decide (and oftentimes do decide) to not take action.

A lot of the time, we forget to account for the cost of not taking action. We fear putting ourselves out there and actually being uncomfortable, but we forget to thing about what it will cost us to not move through that discomfort and take the action. We’re always oriented toward short-term gratification but forget to think about the long-term results of avoiding the short-term discomfort.

We’ve also been wired since childhood to expect perfection but also to expect failure. One thing I learned from Scott H. Young’s blog is about expectancy theory. Not only do we consider the reward of the actions that we take and ask ourselves if it’s worth it, we also pair that reward with our expectation of our probability of being able to receive the award.

The last thing here is the accessibility of information. I see this all the time with my clients. We get obsessed with consuming information, but often don’t realize that consuming is the least productive thing we can do. That’s why I work with my clients in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint to get obsessed with taking action, because that will make you way more successful since you’re focused on actually starting and working toward the goal instead of making it perfect.

Now let me share 3 things you can do to start taking regular action:

1. Make time for action taking.

Schedule it out in your calendar, commit, and make the time to do the things you need to do. You need to practice taking action and getting uncomfortable. Put time blocks on your calendar for those micro-actions. Do something every day to start to move slowly toward your goal.

2. Specify what you’re going to be doing during those action taking time blocks.

This is another big mistake people make. People block out time on their calendar for “content creation” when they should be writing down small, specific tasks. Take the thing you want to do and figure out what the end goal is, then work backwards to create small tasks that move you closer to the end goal little by little. When you break these big goals down into small tasks, they feel more attainable and you’re more motivated to work on them.

3. Orient your identity to be one of taking action.

This comes with practice, so if you have a daily practice of taking action, then you’ll be taking action more frequently and start to take on that identity. You have to take a look at what all the obstacles are that could get in your way and derail you. Create a plan for your goals with these obstacles in mind, but also create a plan for who you’re going to be when all those obstacles happen.

So hopefully this will help you with jumping in and taking action! I’d love to hear from you on Instagram @tess_wicks to hear what you’re taking action on so I can help hold you accountable!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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