business mindset

Episode 246: How To Stop Caring What People Think About You or Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 246: How To Stop Caring What People Think About You or Your Financial Coaching Business - Solo Show

This week we’re talking about a topic that I hear all the time and I think holds so many of us back. It’s a little broad, but I wanted to share some insight, advice, and things to consider for when you’re standing in your own way, frozen in fear of what other people think about you wanting to be a money coach. This definitely applies to other areas of your life too, but I’ve seen it so often get in the way of coaches running their business. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

This week we’re talking about a topic that I hear all the time and I think holds so many of us back. It’s a little broad, but I wanted to share some insight, advice, and things to consider for when you’re standing in your own way, frozen in fear of what other people think about you wanting to be a money coach. This definitely applies to other areas of your life too, but I’ve seen it so often get in the way of coaches running their business.

Here’s the TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) version:
It’s like ripping off a band-aid. Once you allow yourself to stop caring about what everyone else thinks and continuously do that, you learn that either (a): the people you thought were judging you actually aren’t and may even admire what you’re doing or (b): the people still judging you aren’t exactly best people to have in your life anyway.

One of my favorite quotes isn’t necessarily always accurate but it’s so helpful: “No one will criticize you who is further along than you in the thing that you’re doing and are worried about being criticized for.” It’s only ever the people who are not in that position or don’t know what it takes that will criticize you for it.

I also think it’s important for me to make this disclaimer: it is important and healthy to take constructive criticism, so I’m not telling you to never care what anyone thinks to the extent that you can’t take criticism.

We’ve all been at this point though, where we were worried what someone else would think of us and what we’re trying to do. We sometimes put way too much power and weight into people who aren’t even our ideal clients and wouldn’t even hire us.

So here are a few things to consider:

1. Who do you have in mind when you think of someone criticizing or judging you (in the context of your business)?

Ask yourself if they’re really your ideal client. My fears used to be “what will the people I went to college with or grew up with going to think?” But none of those people are my ideal clients. You don’t want to waste your time worrying about the people who aren’t looking to hire you anyway.

2. Do they put money in your bank account?

If they’re not your ideal clients, then they’re probably not paying you, so this is similar to #1. Obviously if you’re concerned with what a boss thinks then you may be worried about their opinion since they do pay you, but the truth is that they don’t have anything to do with your business. If they do seem like they have an opinion then it may be time to have a conversation with them about it, but with the filter that their own insecurities or fears don’t actually concern you.

3. Have you actually heard them be judgmental or critical about it?

Do you actually have evidence that they have a strong opinion or are you just making this up in your head? Sometimes we think people will judge us, when in reality, they don’t care. If they do actually have an opinion about what you’re doing, ask them why. Ask them what they’re afraid will happen from you doing this, and then send them grace and allow yourself to recognize that it’s their triggers and nothing to do with you. You can’t play small just to keep them comfortable.

4. Audit your own thoughts: do you find that you’re being critical or judgmental of others?

This can be a hard pill to swallow, but remember that when someone’s being critical, it’s more about them than the person they’re being critical of. So if you’re looking at what someone is doing and saying “I could do that so much better,” it may not be that they’re doing anything wrong, but that you’re actually just frustrated that they’re doing it and you’re not, and you need to explore that. I find when I’m being most critical of others is usually when I’m most concerned about others being critical of me.

5. Remember that your value as a business owner and as a person is not contingent on being liked.

I read this somewhere and loved it. It’s actually impossible to please everyone all the time. Nothing can be equally liked. That doesn’t make you any less valuable, and there’s not anything you can do to try to be liked more. You’re not supposed to be liked by everyone. If you follow the rules of niching in your business, then you don’t need to be liked by everyone. Remember why you started in the first place": who are you serving by showing up?

An optional thing that I like to pass on to my clients even though it might be hard: audit those relationships. The people who truly aren’t helping and aren’t coming from a place of understanding serve no purpose to you. You have to really audit those relationships and ask why they’re being so critical, and sometimes it’s better to audit those people out of their life.

So to close out, remember that you’re the only person that matters when it comes to what people think of you. Everyone else’s opinions of you are none of your business. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and where you’re at with this! Reach out on Instagram @tess_wicks and tell me what you think!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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