business mindset

Episode 248: Fear of Being Visible, How To Cope + a 14 Day Challenge

WW 248: Fear of Being Visible, How To Cope + a 14 Day Challenge - Solo Show

Today we’re talking about a topic that I think many of us have experienced a struggle with: the fear of visibility. I’m going to define what that really means and help you understand how you can overcome this fear. We’ll talk about some steps you can take to cope with visibility and leverage it in your business without having to deal with the fear and frustration of it that stops you from building your business. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Join the 14 Day Visibility Challenge to help you embark on becoming more visible online in a way that you feel most comfortable!

  2. Recommended Listen: Episode 246: How To Stop Caring What People Think About You or Your Financial Coaching Business

  3. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  4. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!

  5. Hop on the waitlist for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint so that you’re first to know when enrollment opens for the next round kicking off in early 2022!

  6. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

Today we’re talking about a topic that I think many of us have experienced a struggle with: the fear of visibility. I’m going to define what that really means and help you understand how you can overcome this fear. We’ll talk about some steps you can take to cope with visibility and leverage it in your business without having to deal with the fear and frustration of it that stops you from building your business.

This has come up for so many of my clients, and I’m always encouraging them when starting out to use social media to really start building their business. With choosing to use the powerful tool of these platforms typically comes the fear of putting yourself out there, which we sum up as the fear of visibility. This typically stems from some other underlying fears, which we’ll talk about, but first let’s define this fear of visibility.

So for a majority of my clients this fear manifests in a fear of showing up on social media…showing their face, or even their voice, doing videos, and especially live videos, or even showcasing themselves as an authority. It all culminates around making that public. Whatever you’re experiencing in this area, we call this the fear of visibility, or the fear of being seen.

What’s interesting about this is that there’s actually no fear here. There are just those underlying fears that you’re actually experiencing that keep you from wanting to be visible. So let’s talk about a few of those underlying fears:

Fear of judgement

I can’t stand in this authority space because what will they think? Or I can’t post this photo because what will they think? We talked recently in Episode 246 about how to stop caring about what other people think and I mentioned that this is not an overnight thing. You have to work on it and little by little it gets easier because you step into this identity of who you are and what people think of you no longer applies.

The fear if visibility isn’t just the fear of judgement. Maybe that’s your main driver, but it may not be the whole thing. There are a couple other fears that may not be about what other people might be thinking, and those fears can also manifest as the fear of visibility too.

Fear of failure

I think a majority of us have had this fear. We don’t want to try something because we’re constantly thinking about the worst-case scenario. When you make yourself visible, that taps into that fear of failure, because when you go to make something public, you’ve put it out there for people to see that failure that you think will happen.

One thing that I have my clients in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint do is a visualization exercise where you picture a situation where you do something regardless of how scary it is. We attach the thing that you need to do to something outside of yourself (for example, running into a burning building to save the person you love most in the world). We do this to find a deep and compelling “why.” When you find that why that’s beyond yourself you won’t care if you trip, look silly, or fail, because you know that you’re doing it all for someone else (in this case, your clients).

Fear of inadequacy

I think a lot of times this comes up when we consume more than we create. We look at what everyone else is doing and say “I could never do that” or “I could never be that creative.” If I can offer you anything to deal with this fear, it’s to remember that we all are magnetized to different people and for different reasons. If you’re stopping yourself short because you don’t think you can measure up, know that there are people who only want to learn from you. You bring your own unique spin to things.

Fear of uncertainty

Another one that has nothing to do with judgement, this fear is really the lack of control. We all crave a guarantee before we do things, but nothing in life is guaranteed. Building a business really has very little startup costs in comparison to other things, but it’s still a risk, right? Even though all you need is an internet connection, you still don’t know if it’s going to take off, so it’s still a risk. But you have to get comfortable with that and know that those who risk coming face to face with uncertainty actually give themselves to succeed.

Fear of rejection

This is all of our deepest programmed fear because as humans we rely on our community of people to bring us up in the world and to keep us safe. And when you start acting in opposite ways of the normalized, socialized path that we’re supposed to take, it puts you at risk of being rejected from your community. This goes along the lines of fear of what other people think and judgement, so go back and listen to Episode 246.

So now that you understand these underlying fears, you can take that knowledge and see if there’s something you need to go back and work through, but remember that it’s not going to happen overnight. You have to take those small steps of courage to work through these things and allow yourself to be visible.

Here’s what I had to do to overcome it:

  • Small steps of courage

  • Don’t force yourself to go big time, focus on something small you can do today

  • Practice doing it for yourself first before you put it out into the world publicly

  • Commit to this every single day

  • If you’re having fear of what other people are thinking, clear out your connections

So with that, make sure you join the 14 Day Visibility Challenge to help you overcome these fears and start showing up online confidently and comfortably in only 14 days.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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