business mindset

Episode 255: 4 Sales Beliefs that Keep Financial Coaches Client-less & Reframes to Use Instead

WW 255: 4 Sales Beliefs that Keep Financial Coaches Client-less & Reframes to Use Instead - Solo Show

Today I wanted to talk about the inner workings of your business and specifically a road block that keep so many money coaches stuck: selling. I’m going to share the 4 specific sales beliefs that so many financial coaches struggle with and then give you some reframes that you can start using instead to help you feel confident when it comes to selling and start growing your business with ease. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today I wanted to talk about the inner workings of your business and specifically a road block that keep so many money coaches stuck: selling. I’m going to share the 4 specific sales beliefs that so many financial coaches struggle with and then give you some reframes that you can start using instead to help you feel confident when it comes to selling and start growing your business with ease.

The first thing I want to start with is something that I and the majority of my clients started with in our businesses:

The Belief: Selling is icky.

I want you to think about where this belief came from. For most of us, it probably came from your childhood and understanding the frustrations your parents had with people trying to sell them something. This is at the forefront of so many entrepreneurs problems, but especially for money coaches who have the extra frustration of trying to help clients with their money while also charging them money.

We’ve talked at length about overcoming that obstacle of charging while you’re working with people on their money, but what I want to add today is that this catch-22 adds to our overarching feeling that selling is icky or a money grab. I believe that’s the deeper belief: that you think people see you as just wanting to make money.

So here’s the reframe: I want you to think about all the good purchases you’ve made in your life. Think about all the times where you’ve spent money or invested money and it worked out really well. Get even more specific and think about the big purchases or investments where you maybe didn’t know if it would work out and it was a little bit of a risk to spend that money. While you’re thinking about those examples, reflect on the fact that without selling none of those experiences or that value you got would have happened.

Selling has to happen so that people can have a good experience or get the value out of whatever it is that they’re paying for. Selling is the entry point to the transformation that you’re about to provide when it comes to your financial coaching.

The Belief: I don’t want to come off as “salesy.”

This takes us to that next step beyond selling feeling icky. If we’re worried about being “salesy” then we’re flipping the script and now becoming concerned with how we’re perceived. I’d encourage you again to think back to the examples we used in the previous reframe. Think about if you had in mind that the person that sold to you was “salesy.” Most likely you don’t think they were and you really reaped the benefits of that investment.

So how do we tackle this? Start thinking about “I don’t want be perceived as a negative person who sells” and then start to find evidence that we can diminish the likelihood of that happening. You can look at other people who are selling and start to adapt different ways of doing it that don’t feel negative. Selling doesn’t have to just look one way and if you don’t want to come off as “salesy" then just don’t. You get to decide how you do things but in order to be a business owner, you have to sell, and that isn’t a bad thing.

The Belief: I hate sales.

If you decide you don’t like something, you’re never going to do it. Selling takes practice and being open to the idea that you might fail or be rejected. You also might succeed. Selling is really an experiment in many ways to improve and find what works for you.

So instead of “I hate sales” I’m inviting you to think of it as “I haven’t found my comfort with selling” or “I’m practicing, improving, and learning to love the sales process.”

The Belief: I’m bad at sales.

Again, you never like things that you’re not good at and it’s hard to get good at things that you avoid doing. It’s easy to take on the belief that you’re bad at something when you aren’t getting the results that you’re looking for. With selling, there may be a lot of different things to uncover that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re bad at selling. You can always have the belief that there’s room for improvement without assuming you’re bad at something.

You’re allowed to do sales differently and find your way of selling that feels safe and expansive and transformational. It just may take you some time to find that. So here’s the new belief I want you to tap into for this one: “It is safe for me to be a beginner. To experience with new approaches. To try and try again and get better over time.”

So those are the 4 sales beliefs that you need to reframe to start getting clients and creating that expansive and transformational sales process for you and your clients. Write them down as affirmations and repeat them to yourself until you believe them. If you want to dig deeper into sales beliefs and strategies, you can grab my S.I.M.P.L.E. Sales Masterclass when you grab the Pricing Formula.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

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