coaching business

Episode 256: 10 Different Ways to Talk About Your Money Coaching Offer (without Sounding Desperate)

WW 256: 10 Different Ways to Talk About Your Money Coaching Offer (without Sounding Desperate) - Solo Show

This week I’m going to share with you 10 different ways to share about your money coaching offer without sounding desperate! I know that one of the biggest things that keeps money coaches from getting clients is that they don’t know how to talk about their offer because they’re afraid to do so. Last week we talked about ways to overcome the fear of sounding salesy, and this week is a deeper dive into those different ways that you can show up and sell. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 255: 4 Sales Beliefs that Keep Financial Coaches Client-less & Reframes to Use Instead

  2. Recommended Listen: Episode 195: My Secret Weapon for Business Growth: Your Money Coaching Framework

  3. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  4. Enrollment is open! Apply for one of the few spots in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint kicking off in 2022!

  5. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!

  6. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

This week I’m going to share with you 10 different ways to share about your money coaching offer without sounding desperate! I know that one of the biggest things that keeps money coaches from getting clients is that they don’t know how to talk about their offer because they’re afraid to do so. Last week we talked about ways to overcome the fear of sounding salesy, and this week is a deeper dive into those different ways that you can show up and sell.

Now before I get into these 10 types of things you could say or create to sell, I want to share a couple prerequisites to help you talk about your offer.

- You have to have an offer.

This is a big part of what we focus on in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint: creating a life-changing offer for you to sell. So many money coaches know that they want to help people with their money, but they don’t know how or can’t really articulate the value.

- Take your offer one step further with a framework.

Take it beyond just a 6 call coaching package and install a framework for your clients. This makes it so much easier to sell your offer and to create real results for your clients because you’re giving them so much more than just saying “work with me and you’ll get 6 sessions.” Having a process or a framework that you take clients through is game-changing for your offer and the way that you sell it. (If you need a refresher for building a framework, check out Episode 195.)

If those prerequisites sound good to you, then you’re ready to move on to talking about and selling your offer. Here they are:

10 Different Ways to Talk About Your Offer

1. Tell your story.

This is an assumption that you’ve gone through your own transformation. Does it have to be the exact transformation that your clients will go through? Not necessarily, but there are probably pieces of the process that you’ve had to go through or a mistake that you made that you’re going to introduce to your clients. Storytelling is the most natural thing to do and a great marketing tool because humans are so compelled by stories.

2. Make an announcement.

This may seem obvious but too many people miss this one because they feel like they’re not allowed to. Whatever your program name is, share it and announce that it’s open for enrollment. We’re usually afraid that it’ll be crickets, but it won’t be crickets every time and you’ll learn from the times where people don’t respond or enroll. A sure fire way to get no one signed up is to never announce it. You have permission to make the announcement.

3. Sharing a client testimonial.

Again, potentially an obvious one, but one that people tend to shy away from. If you want it to feel natural, you want to frame it in a way that people feel like it’s something they need to read. Think of it more like a case study. Share about what your client was able to achieve (in your own words) and then talk about the parts of the program that helped them get there. It doesn’t always have to be you sharing direct testimonial quotes from your clients (even though those can be helpful too!)

4. Share your framework.

Maybe still a little obvious, but no quite as much. Just share your framework! What is the process? Start with “My x-step process to get [desired client result]”. Instead of just saying “I have a program and you should buy it,” explain your framework to them and give them an idea of how this program is really going to help them get where they want to be.

5. Give a behind the scenes look.

This is one of my favorites because I think so few people do this. Tell your audience you’re giving them a behind the scenes look at [insert program name] and then say “how and why I structure my program for incredible client results.” You could take this so many ways like a video or podcast episode or some type of visual. Walk them through how it gets them there and why it works.

6. Letting people know what it’s like to work with a financial coach.

It’s an obvious question that so few of us actually answer in our content marketing. You know what it looks like, but don’t forget that your clients are confused about what that actually entails. Give them a look at the experience that you’ll be providing and actually introduce them to that process (naturally you’ll be talking about your program).

7. Do a weekly or monthly recap of what your clients have achieved recently.

Even if they haven’t achieved certain milestones, share what your clients have been up to. This gives you another way of talking about your program and working with clients without just sharing a direct client testimonial, which instills confidence in potential clients. Let people know that forward process is happening for your clients.

8. “The only prerequisite to [insert program name] is…”

I love this one because people most likely already know about your program, but this gives people an idea of if the program is right for them and if they have to apply or will automatically get in. Some people will ask you those questions, but many won’t. This gives you the opportunity to bust that objection that someone may be having.

9. “Here’s what sets this program apart and why it works.”

This is a fun one because there’s obviously going to be something unique about your program. What is your USP (unique selling proposition)? Let your clients know that you have an unconventional approach to the other options in the world that are available to them. Explain to them why they want to take that unconventional approach and educate your clientele on how there’s a different way to do something beyond what they’ve been told.

10. “How you can work with me this month…”

This one might be over simplified but I think it’s necessary and it’s a unique way to sell without it really feeling like selling. Explain to them what ways they can work with you right now. How many spots do you have available in your program or what other ways can someone work with you? It’s a natural way to sell without sounding like an infomercial.

That’s it! Those are the 10 different ways you can talk about your offer, and the great part is that you can actually mix these up or use all of them in a row and still have it sound natural. Don’t forget, if you want a great content strategy and to feel confident in creating content that sells your offer, grab the Client Attraction Content Matrix!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!