coaching business

Episode 257: 6 Overrated Online Business "Must-Dos" to Ignore Right Now for Your Money Coaching Business

WW 257: 6 Overrated Online Business "Must-Dos" to Ignore Right Now for Your Money Coaching Business - Solo Show

This week is a special show because I’m a coach that’s a little unconventional. A lot of the things that people tell you to do in the online coaching and marketing space, I’m telling my clients not to do. This constant advice we hear can be confusing and stressful, especially if you’re just starting your business. We want you to get results, so I want to constantly be sharing the things you should be doing, so this episode is all about cancelling the noise, and sharing those “must-dos” that you need to ignore. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

This week is a special show because I’m a coach that’s a little unconventional. A lot of the things that people tell you to do in the online coaching and marketing space, I’m telling my clients not to do. This constant advice we hear can be confusing and stressful, especially if you’re just starting your business. We want you to get results, so I want to constantly be sharing the things you should be doing, so this episode is all about cancelling the noise, and sharing those “must-dos” that you need to ignore.

So let’s dive in! I have 6 of these must-dos that you need to ignore, and you may have heard me share some of these in different episodes in the past. Now, a little disclaimer: all of these are things that you can and maybe eventually should do. That’s why if you start thinking “well that’s what everyone’s telling me to do” then it’s probably because your business may need them later. But for the sake of hitting frustration and having nothing working and wanting results, these 6 things are the last things you should be focusing on right now.

1. Building a website

So this is the one that I think we all get super excited to start working on when we decide we're going to build a business. So yes, I am standing here today telling you: you do not need to spend time, spend money, but mostly, it's probably going to be a lot of your time, building a website or making it look perfect. I know how much time goes into building a website, especially when you don't have a lot of funds to invest in someone else doing it. But I'm saying you shouldn't spend the time building the website and you also don't necessarily need to spend your financial resources paying someone else to build a site for you.

Here’s why: what you need is to have a place for people to go. But that doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be a website. You can just as easily leverage a social media profile, and that's kind of the home base for people for now when you're out there marketing and networking about your business. This is actually better for helping you establish those actual connections with people before getting a website.

2. Deep branding work

The second thing that you don't need to spend a ton of time or money on right now is that deep branding work. And what I'm talking about here is I know that hours and hours and time and thought and and possibly stress that you could put into picking the perfect name, the perfect URL, the perfect logo, the perfect colors, the perfect fonts. You're allowed to have a brand without hiring a brand strategist or a designer to create your brand for you. You already have a brand: it is you. It's your personal brand. And now you're going to probably work on developing the brand for your business.

So branding also is so much more than just the colors, the logo, the font, and the perfect name. It's also, I guess for lack of a better term, the vibe that people get from experiencing your business. But it can also just be the experience of interacting with you, your brand your business on social media. And also I think it's important to note that you can shift your vibe and you can change it along the way and it's not something that you necessarily have to nail down perfectly right away.

3. Creating a freebie

I’m a firm believer that, especially when you're starting out, creating a freebie can be a huge waste of time. Now, if you have a brilliant idea, and you want to pop one out there, go for it. But I know from personal experience, that creating a freebie to just to get people on the email list just prolongs the actual speed of getting potential interested parties and turning them into paying clients.

We get all in our heads thinking about “what's the perfect freebie I'm going to create,” “Are people even going to want this,” “I haven't even really tested the market to figure out what they would want,” and also I just don't really think, especially if you're creating really great marketing content that is already educational and free for people, I don't think it's necessarily necessary that you need to have a freebie at all. But that is a podcast for another day. So, I'm not saying that all freebies are bad, but you just want to make sure that your time is being leveraged in the best way possible.

4. Building an email list

Now, I know I am going against everybody’s advice. And an email list is insanely valuable, right? We hear all this talk over and over again about owning your contacts and your subscriber base vs. borrowing it via social media. I believe the email game is a long game that you need to play. It’s not a pressing goal. When you’re early on in your business you need to focus on validating your marketing and you can validate all this effectiveness much more quickly by utilizing social media, as opposed to an email list.

With social media, instead of having an opt-in to take people off of the platform and over to email to then start to get nurtured by you via email, what if we could just directly correspond with the people on this very platform? Get them to that next step, which would be inquiring about what their options are for working with you. And you absolutely can, that's what direct messaging is for. Just connect with them right there on that platform, and you don't have all these additional steps that they have to go through in order to learn more about you and be “nurtured” by you.

5. To get your course created.

There are so many online courses teaching you how to build your online course. And yes, technically that’s part of the Wealthy Coach Blueprint but we teach you how to map out your framework and outline your program so then you can sell the structure of it (or the minimum viable product of it) so that you’re not spending tons of time creating it before you even know if it’s validated and going to sell.

It feels strange to sell something that isn’t fully developed yet, but it’s actually better for the client. And what's even better is the people who early on invest with you and with this program of yours (your either first ever or your brand new program that you've created), for them, they're going to get the most personalized experience. This way you've already done that research early on, and then you could just spend that time creating it knowing that you've made sales. So now you're creating it and you're creating it even better than you would have before when you didn't make sales ever.

6. Networking your face off with other money coaches

This is just a bonus one that I see a lot of people doing. Now let me explain. We know that collaboration is great. We're all about community. I'm obsessed with that. I think the world needs way more money coaches than there are even now and believe me, once you establish your online presence, you're going to realize that there are far more money coaches than you thought there were in the world when you initially had this idea. This is something that I'm not saying ignore flat out or be rude.

What I'm saying, and maybe this is more for those introverts out there who get anxious thinking about needing to create your community and collaborate and network, is that that doesn't have to be your top priority right now, especially if it takes a lot of energy from you. Because time management is way more about managing your energy than it is about managing your time. We need to focus, first and foremost, on what that end result is that you're looking for right now. What is the validation you need in this space, for your business for your clientele, so that you can ensure that this can move forward? So it's a little bit more of a permission granted of if you're feeling a little anxious about the networking right now.

So that’s our list! Don’t get caught up in what you’re being told you need to do to grow your business. Focus on what’s actually getting you results and grow from there. And don’t forget to apply for one of the couple 1-on-1 spots I have available for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

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