coaching business

Episode 259: How The Wealthy Coach Blueprint Generated $150k+ For My Clients

WW 259: How The Wealthy Coach Blueprint Generated $150k+ For My Clients - Solo Show

Today I’m going to be sharing with you how my signature coaching program, The Wealthy Coach Blueprint, helped generate $150k for the coaches that went through the program. That’s just what they generated during or immediately after the program! And that’s just the financial part of it - that doesn’t include the impact they’re making. It just goes to show you how much people want and need money coaches and what they’re selling. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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  1. I’m looking for 2-3 clients to work with me in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint 1-on-1 over the next few months. Apply now!

  2. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  3. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!

  4. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

Today I’m going to be sharing with you how my signature coaching program, The Wealthy Coach Blueprint, helped generate $150k for the coaches that went through the program. That’s just what they generated during or immediately after the program! And that’s just the financial part of it - that doesn’t include the impact they’re making. It just goes to show you how much people want and need money coaches and what they’re selling.

I want to share with you how the blueprint has been able to do that.

So I think the first thing that makes the Wealthy Coach Blueprint really special is that it's buildable. Almost every step builds off the step before it, and so it feels like a natural progression through the program. It's not just a ton of information thrown at you all at once for you to have to figure out how to sort through. There are 8 phases (or steps) through the program and so I want to get into each of those steps and share what we really cover within each.

Phase 1

The very first question that the blueprint answers almost the second you invest in this program is that question of “how do I get started?” So many people get stuck from that very first thing, because they just don't know what that first thing is that they need to do. So as we get into it, the very first step is really about the business model of coaching (specifically money coaching), building this online coaching business, and also how you scale it.

We answer the question of if you can really build a scalable money coaching business - starting with one on one coaching, which is what I always recommend everyone to do is become a really amazing coach - so you can scale beyond that. But the question is, can you really build this scalable business? And what does that business model even look like? So we walk through that, and I share with you different thresholds of when you're ready for that next step.

Phase 2

So now that we have the foundation, we get into you and building your strong mental foundation because the number one thing that gets in the way of every single business owner and usually stops them from doing what they want is that they don't believe they're allowed to do something, don't believe they can do it, or doubt anyone wants it. We get in our own way so often. The second phase is all about developing an identity for who you are so you can show up confidently, break your programming, and show up as your best self.

Phase 3

This is the most important part of the program because we start talking about who you serve. We take the time to identify your niche market and make sure that they actually want what your trying to create. This is all about defining your ideal client, really understanding them, and validating your offer within that market. We do a lot of hands-on market research in this phase so you have a very clear understanding.

Phase 4

This phase is all about determining what a valuable coaching program even looks like and how to make sure you’re creating the right program for your clients. Most coaches have so many ideas and no idea how to distill that down into a program that flows naturally and is actually life-changing for their clients, so that’s what we really dig into during this phase. How do you make sure that you’re providing enough value for what you’re charging and that it’s a fair exchange for your client while also an irresistible offer for them? We get into all of that.

Phase 5

Here’s a big question: How do I get clients? Well that’s what phase 5 is all about. We’re answering all your questions about where to find clients, what to say, how often to say it, how to make your offer to them, etc. We get into a lot of questions in this phase because you need to be comfortable both selling to and educating your potential clients and feel comfortable interacting with them at every step in the process of starting to work with you.

This phase is also all about marketing. We dive into a lot of strategic details like email lists, social media platforms, where you need to be showing up, if you need to create a freebie, and so many other marketing areas that coaches (especially new coaches) often have questions about.

Phase 6

The next natural question once you know where and how to find clients and how to talk to them is how do you actually sell to them? That’s where we head next and we dive into surrounding sales, doing sales calls, how to sell without it feeling icky, and then walking through every single step of the sales process so you know exactly what comes next and feel comfortable guiding your clients into that step.

Phases 7 and 8

Some of my clients don’t even get to these phases before they graduate because they get so focused on building those other foundational phases and nailing their marketing and sales process, and that’s okay. These phases are focused on how to really elevate your clients’ experience working with you and how to successfully run your business without your business running you. We dig into processes like onboarding to make sure your clients have a seamless experience but also talk about setting boundaries and having a life outside your business.

There you have it! Those are the 8 phases of the Wealthy Coach Blueprint and some of the questions that the program answers for financial coaches, and it’s in answering those questions that the program was able to help clients generate over $150k in revenue by the time they even graduated! If you know that the Wealthy Coach Blueprint is your next step, apply for a spot now (since this may be one of the last times you’ll get to for 2022!)

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!