coaching business

Episode 263: 6 Easy Habits to Work Less and Achieve More in Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 263: 6 Easy Habits to Work Less and Achieve More in Your Financial Coaching Business - Solo Show

So many coaches that I work with ask me how I get it all done, and I think I’ve just found things and ways of doing things that allow me to spend less time having to work on my business. I used to associate being busy with being productive/successful, and now I have the right habits in place to be efficient with my time. For this episode, I’m sharing those habits with you so you can work less in your financial coaching business and still be successful! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

So many coaches that I work with ask me how I get it all done, and I think I’ve just found things and ways of doing things that allow me to spend less time having to work on my business. I used to associate being busy with being productive/successful, and now I have the right habits in place to be efficient with my time. For this episode, I’m sharing those habits with you so you can work less in your financial coaching business and still be successful!

1. Plan your day out the night before.

Most of us delay and try to avoid the planning because we feel overwhelmed. But here’s the trick: plan less time for you to complete tasks. It feels counterintuitive, but most of us, when we know how long we’ve given ourselves to do something, will use up all of that time.

When you allow yourself more time that you actually need, you procrastinate. If you allow yourself less time, you’ll get the work done and be productive while actually spending less time working on your business. You’ll get focused when you know exactly what you need to do and how much time you have to do it.

2. Start with the little fires first.

You probably know that there are little things that you need to get done that are easy things, but you’re usually too focused on doing the big, hard things first. The problem is that with the bigger things, we procrastinate because they’re so big we don’t want to do them.

Taking 15-30 minutes at the start of your day to knock out 2-3 of the little things will get your momentum going, make you feel like you’ve already gotten something done for the day, and keep your productivity high without costing you a lot of time.

3. Eat the frog.

Once you’ve gotten a few of the little fires under control, it’s time to eat the frog - which basically just means that it’s time to tackle the big thing that you keep putting off. What is the thing that you’ve been resisting but keep thinking about because it really needs to get done?

Too often, we’re waiting until we have the confidence, the inspiration, or the momentum to actually sit down and do the thing, but all of those things come from doing - they come from taking action. If you can start to make an effort and make progress on that task and keep from procrastinating or getting distracted, you’ll start to feel more confident, more inspired to create, and have more momentum to be productive.

4. Create in a silo.

So now that you’re doing the big thing and you’re giving yourself less time to do it in, it’s important to create a space that’s easy for you to stay productive in. That means putting the phone with all the notifications and social apps in another room, closing the tab on your inbox or the website you keep trying to look at, or even pulling out pen and paper and knocking something out the old fashioned way.

Know what tools work for you and utilize them, but also stay aware of what gets you distracted and find ways to eliminate that from your silo during the times you’re creating. Try to batch tasks or work on similar tasks so that you aren’t constantly switching from thing to thing and stay in your silo while you’re trying to be productive.

5. Track your time and time your tasks.

This one’s kind of a two-for-one. It’s important to track your time any time you’re producing something. If you got all your work done in 2 hours, that’s great, but if you spent 8 hours actually sitting at your desk “working” then you know there’s a disconnect happening between when you’re actually being productive and when you’re getting distracted.

In addition to that though, tracking your time is like budgeting in an app. It’s mostly retrospective and looking back at where you overspent (or in this case, where you lost time). Timing your tasks and allotting yourself certain amounts of time to complete things before moving on is going to help you with actually being proactive in staying on task.

6. Remember, done is better than perfect.

This isn’t as much of a habit as it is a motto that I live by, but I also like to add to it that being done with work is better than not being done at all. Too often we feel like we’re not ready or don’t know enough yet to get started and it keeps us from ever creating or launching anything. You can’t finish what you don’t start, so stop trying to make it perfect and just put something out there and keep making it better as you go.

Similarly, you have to know when it’s time to close it down. You can’t work nonstop all the time, so it’s important to remember that making progress on tasks and then finding a good stopping point is way better than burning yourself out to the point where you can’t do much of anything.

So those are my 6 habits for working less and achieving more. Some are easier than others, but definitely something that you can take and start to build on. Start with one or two and implement those, and then work your way up until you’re productively managing your time and not just busy working in your business all the time!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

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