coaching business

Episode 265: Life + Business Update + Announcing Spring Break Money Coach School

WW 265: Life + Business Update + Announcing Spring Break Money Coach School - Solo Show

This week's episode is a special one because I have several different announcements related to both my life and my business that I'm excited to share with you. I'll also be letting you in on a sneak peek of the Spring Break Money Coach School that will be airing over the next 3 months! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. I’m looking for 1-2 more clients to work with me in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint 1-on-1 over the next few months. Apply now!

  2. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  3. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!

  4. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

This week's episode is a special one because I have several different announcements related to both my life and my business that I'm excited to share with you. I'll also be letting you in on a sneak peek of the Spring Break Money Coach School that will be airing over the next 3 months!

Big Announcements:

1. Introducing Spring Break Money Coach School

First things first is to tell you about what’s going on with the Wander Wealthy Podcast for the next 3 months! I’ll be on a bit of a hiatus (you’ll see why in the next few announcements!) so the next 3 months of the podcast will be dedicated to Spring Break Money Coach School.

During this time, I’ll be rebroadcasting some of the most popular episodes of the podcast to date, but they’re in a carefully curated order to help you start building your booked out money coaching business! You can treat this like a course that you’re taking, and implement something every week, whether it’s the first time you’re hearing it or just a refresher for you!

2. I’m finally getting married!

Legally, my husband and I got married in 2019 because of all the international complications of everything, and we had planned to have our wedding in 2020. Because of the pandemic, we obviously had to postpone, and this summer, we’re finally getting to have our celebration. This is part of the reason for our spring break on the podcast, and it’s a lot time revisiting all those plans we had made and updating everything for our summer wedding.

3. We’re expecting our first child!

As if a wedding isn’t exciting enough, another part of the reason for our spring break is that my husband and I are expecting our first child in October! We’re looking forward to bringing this life into the world and raise our first child, but there’s a lot of preparation that goes into that and a lot of preparation for me to take a 6-month maternity leave. During these next 3 months, in addition to planning our wedding and for our first child, I’ll be batch recording episodes of the podcast, finalizing work with clients, and preparing my business for maternity leave so that the transition is seamless.

4. This is the last opportunity for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint

So this isn’t technically an announcement because I’ve already mentioned it several times, but since so many exciting things are coming up this year, I’m currently enrolling for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint for the last time in 2022. So if you’ve been considering joining the program and learning how to build your booked out money coaching business, this is your last chance to do it this year AND there’s only one spot left (so don’t wait!)

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!