coaching business

Episode 266: How To Start a Podcast for Your Money Coaching Business

WW 266: WW 266 How To Start a Podcast for Your Money Coaching Business - Solo Show

We're back from spring break and ready to kick off summer episodes with a fun one about how you can create a podcast for your money coaching business! In this episode I'm sharing some tips that will work for jumping into any type of long form content and then specifically what you need to actually start a podcast! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

We're back from spring break and ready to kick off summer episodes with a fun one about how you can create a podcast for your money coaching business! In this episode I'm sharing some tips that will work for jumping into any type of long form content and then specifically what you need to actually start a podcast!

This is something I get questions about frequently. I obviously get a lot of my clients from my podcast and many of my clients see a podcast in their future as well. The main thing I want you to remember is to not get caught up in starting a podcast or any other content platform right away and instead leverage what you already have and are good at. If you are ready to start a podcast though, it’s a wonderful way to produce your own content and create a much closer connection with the people in your audience.

So here are a couple tips to remember when starting a podcast (or any long form content):

1. Be focused on creating and publishing BEFORE you have it all figured out.

This is the hardest thing. So many people say “I’m going to start…” Why not start now? We often feel like we need something else to be able to get started and we put off creating something until we think it can be perfect. The truth is you need to get into a habit of creating content and get comfortable sitting behind a mic and talking to yourself. Don’t delay starting until you have a bigger audience, a huge launch, or a another accessory. Start now.

2. Determine your upload schedule and start to map out your content.

Commit to how consistent you want to be and then start to brainstorm how you can fill that schedule. You don’t have to map out a full year or even a quarter, but take the first step in the content creation process and start developing that skill of mapping out ideas, outlining those episodes, and then actually sitting down and recording them.

3. Stick to your niche audience and your niche topic.

It’s really important in any type of content creation that you have some content pillars mapped out for yourself that represent the overarching topics you're going to be speaking about throughout your podcast. Your audience needs to know for sure that your podcast is for them and be able to rely on exactly what type of topics and ideas they’ll be getting from you when they show up to listen.

3a. Title your shows accordingly.

This is where search engine optimization comes in. Make sure you title your shows with keywords and phrases that are actually what your audience is searching for and that will make them click on the episode and know that it’s for them. Be specific, not general, because then you stand out enough that the right people find you and they have no question that it’s the content they’re looking for.

4. Don’t overwhelm yourself with all the additional things you COULD do.

This one is just a reminder that yes, eventually you may want to set up a website for your podcast or blog to create show notes or start a Pinterest strategy, but the most important thing is that you have content to promote, so follow those other steps, get it created, and get it published, and worry about other things you could do later.

Specific things you need to start a podcast:

1. A way to record your voice

This comes in the form of some sort of software that can take in audio and then a microphone. You can use a software like Zoom to record in and then get a somewhat cheap USB mic to do the trick.

2. Editing software

If you need to edit anything out, trim it down, or do anything with audio quality, you’ll need an editing software. I use Audacity which is free and pretty user-friendly. You really just need to learn whatever basic functions you need to be able to just get your content out there.

3. Intro/outro music

Some people like to have this, but if it’s an issue for you to find, you can go without it. Find copyright free music or buy a license to a particular piece of music. If you can’t, then just create your content and worry about adding that later.

4. A hosting platform

In order for people everywhere to hear your podcast, it has to be hosted somewhere. I use Libsyn and highly recommend checking out their help section even if you decide to go with a different host. Don’t try to use your own website because you’ll bog it down too much. Find a media host you like and get in the habit of uploading those episode files to it. If you go with Libsyn, use the code ‘TESS’ to get a free month!]

5. A podcast graphic

This is the cover art for your show that Apple Podcasts (and other platforms) will require you to have. You can easily create this in Canva or Photoshop, but make sure it’s following the specific criteria (check that Libsyn help section).

6. Get on Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts… they’re all different broadcasters that you’ll want to be on, but at least start with getting set up on Apple Podcasts, and the Libsyn help articles will help you with that specific criteria too.

That’s it! That’s the whole step by step process I wanted to share with you. I know it can be easier said than done, but don’t forget to just jump in and get started instead of waiting until you feel ready. My favorite quote is “you can’t edit a blank page.” So rip off the bandaid and get started today, and worry about polishing it later. Don’t forget that you can grab my Client Attraction Content Matrix to help you with creating content too!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!