making money

Episode 272: STOP Doing These Things When Creating & Launching Your Coaching Offer

WW 272: STOP Doing These Things When Creating & Launching Your Coaching Offer - Solo Show

Creating and launching an entire coaching offer doesn't have to be hard, but let's face it, sometimes it doesn't exactly feel easy either. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 things that you need to avoid doing when you're creating and launching your financial coaching offer. These are 5 things I see coaches doing too often that ultimately end up causing you more problems later on, so stop them while you can! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Creating and launching an entire coaching offer doesn't have to be hard, but let's face it, sometimes it doesn't exactly feel easy either. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 things that you need to avoid doing when you're creating and launching your financial coaching offer. These are 5 things I see coaches doing too often that ultimately end up causing you more problems later on, so stop them while you can!

These are things that I’ve seen my clients get stuck on and that I personally have gotten stuck on, and they’re ultimately things that just make you get in your own way when it comes to the goal, which is to get clients, make a difference in their lives, and make money while doing it. So let’s look at these 5 mistakes and how to navigate around them.

1. Stop creating your framework/program before talking to any of your ideal clients.

This one is hard because a lot of us do it, but we easily get married to an idea or a process, start ideating and writing things down, and get into dangerous territory. If we haven't taken the time to really understand who it is that's ultimately going to be buying this program and going through their needs and desires, then we're creating something that's never going to sell. A lot of us overcomplicate our programs and it either keeps people from investing or keeps people from getting results. So talk to your clients and create something that’s built around them.

2. Stop building out your entire program before you get any sales.

This is always a shocker to people, because they feel for whatever reason that if it's not built out, then it's not valuable. This is called pre-selling. Think about Kickstarter, a prime example - it was created for people to fund an idea. You're selling the ideation of your idea and the transformation and the framework that you can articulate once you've developed that, and now people are buying into it, and then you create it as you go. That's a whole process that I teach my clients to do, because it is so much more valuable for you to wait until you get sales to start actually building out your program

3. Stop getting stuck on the name or any other $2 problem.

The name is like the perfect summary of what a $2 problem is - a problem that isn’t really going to pay off when you solve it. Can the name of your program be important? Yes, it needs to be clear what you get and not confuse anyone, but so many of us waste time trying to be cute or come up with a fun acronym. This needs to be something that’s fast and decisive. You can always change it down the road. So spend a little bit of time trying to come up with a decent name, but don’t get stuck on it or any other $2 problem.

4. Stop waiting until you have the funds or resources to invest in the fancy software in order to deliver your program.

So there are a lot of different things that you can pay for in order to be able to deliver a program and I think a lot of people get really in their head about this. You can build a program being a little bit scrappy. The beauty of being in coaching is that the barrier to entry is super low from a financial needs perspective. You don’t have to wait until you have all the fancy systems. This shouldn’t be something that gets in your way, because it is possible to be successful without it.

5. Stop launching without a framework.

I’ve said it on this podcast dozens of times, but I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a framework/methodology/system for your program. Of course you don’t want to create your framework without talking to your clients first, but once you’ve created it, it’s an invaluable asset to your business. You need to curate a process that is going to help your clients visualize and tangibly realize the transformation they're looking to achieve in their financial lives.

So those are the 5 mistakes I see (or have experienced myself) that ultimately end up hurting you down the road. Make sure to avoid these to set yourself and your program up to be successful and create a structured, client-focused program that is both profitable and impactful.

Don’t forget to hop on the waitlist for the Coaching Framework Builder, my new self-paced program launching in August that will help you build out your own methodology to build your thriving money coaching program.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

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