making money

Episode 273: How to Build Your Financial Coaching Framework

WW 273: How to Build Your Financial Coaching Framework - Solo Show

Today is a very special day because this week I launched the Coaching Framework Builder, and ultimately today I wanted to take some time to share with you what my framework is for building a coaching framework. A little meta, I know, but I wanted to share these 4 steps with you that will help you create your own coaching framework and help you develop it with confidence and in the most simplistic manner, without having tons of experience already. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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  1. Enrollment is open for the Coaching Framework Builder where you can build your own coaching framework in only 5 weeks!

  2. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  3. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!

  4. Grab the free Money Coaching Session Guide that outlines the step-by-step structure of all 3 types of money coaching sessions so you don’t have to figure it out yourself!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

Today is a very special day because this week I launched the Coaching Framework Builder, and ultimately today I wanted to take some time to share with you what my framework is for building a coaching framework. A little meta, I know, but I wanted to share these 4 steps with you that will help you create your own coaching framework and help you develop it with confidence and in the most simplistic manner, without having tons of experience already.

Too many coaches think that because they don’t have experience in coaching yet, they can’t create their own framework or methodology. The important thing about a framework though is that it actually helps you sell your program with more clarity and guidance and provides some more tangibility to your clients.

So with that said, let's just walk you through the process of building your own financial or money coaching framework.

1. Understand the business model of money coaching

This is huge because so many of us get into this business without having an idea of how we actually make money. What does a money coach actually do? How can this be a sustainable and long lasting business? When you start to build out a framework and start packaging a program and making sure it's a good fit for your clientele, you need to make sure that there is a price and product market fit. It needs to be really a well oiled machine.

So we do a lot of that foundational work in the very first step, so that you can have a full picture understanding of what you’re about to build. And I think ultimately, step one answers a lot of those lingering questions. You need to understand how this is going to be a sustainable and viable option for you in terms of building a business and understand the scalable business model.

2 Create a client centric program

This is where everyone wants to jump in to adding all the bells and whistles to their program, but we talked in the first step about why it's so important to make sure you're putting your clients first in business. This is where you learn the power of niching and how to stand out as the expert. This is also where you’ll validate your niche and that they have a problem you can solve.

This step is the gritty work that isn’t always as fun, but it’s the most critical and valuable thing you can do for your business. So in the Coaching Framework Builder you’re getting all the scripts and tools you need to do that market research and get that validation. Because again, once you're on the other side of this, it's liquid gold in your business.

3 Build your high impact framework and program

So this step is all about tying the information you’ve collected together. This is where we have to organize all of our ideas and the data we’ve collected to create a solution for everything. So in step 3 you learn about the power of timeline in your clients’ transformation and creating an outline for them to experience that transformation. This is where you have to answer how you actually create an experience and actually provide and facilitate a coaching package that leads to real transformation and real results for your clients.

But it's also simple, and I think simple is really key here, because I've found that a lot of times as business owners, we get really excited about the ideas, then we start to pull our ideas together, and then we get overwhelmed by the execution of those ideas. And what's really magical about how I teach program development and creation, is we keep it simple so that you can actually execute.

4 Find a simple way to deliver your program

This is actually kind of a bonus step because once you’ve gotten through step 3, you have something you can actually package and sell, but what hangs people up is how they’re going to deliver it and all the tech things. There are tons of different softwares and tools that you could leverage, and later on in your business it may make sense to find something and write that off as an investment in your business, but starting out, you can keep it simple.

You can easily offer a program without spending more than $100-150 per year and your clients won’t think anything less of it. They’re not going to expect anything beyond that and if you’re giving them great results, they’re not going to care which platform you use for video hosting. So in step 4, I’ve really focused on providing you with tons of resources and tutorials to help you deliver your program with ease.

So there you have it! There’s some more things that goes into really building out all the details of your coaching framework, but these are the main 4 steps that I wanted to give you upfront. It may be a lot of work but having that framework will be the most valuable asset you have in your coaching business. If you want more help building your framework and positioning yourself as the authority, enrollment is open for the Coaching Framework Builder where in only 5 weeks, you can have a fully built out methodology for your own financial coaching business.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!