making money

Episode 276: 5 Tips for When You Finally Take the Plunge & Go Full-Time in Your Money Coaching Business

WW 276: 5 Tips for When You Finally Take the Plunge & Go Full-Time in Your Money Coaching Business - Solo Show

I’m excited for this episode because if you’re listening to this one it means it’s probably time for you to go full-time in your coaching business. How exciting! It can also be a bit scary though, which is why I wanted to provide 5 tips to help you make that transition from the traditional 9 to 5 into full-time entrepreneurship as a coach. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

I’m excited for this episode because if you’re listening to this one it means it’s probably time for you to go full-time in your coaching business. How exciting! It can also be a bit scary though, which is why I wanted to provide 5 tips to help you make that transition from the traditional 9 to 5 into full-time entrepreneurship as a coach.

5 tips to help you go full-time in money coaching:

1. Claim your work days/hours and put them in your calendar.

You have to decide ahead of time when you’re going to work. Going full-time in your business doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be working full-time and clocking in 40 hours for the week. Part of the reason you may have pursued this to begin with was for the time and location freedom. Things may change a little from week to week, but you have to know that you have the permission to work less.

I had a huge desire to travel, and the only reason I met my Italian husband and am now living in Switzerland is because I had gone full-time in my business and could take it abroad. So just remember that you don’t have to prove anything or earn anything.

2. Plan your week on Sunday.

This may not actually be on Sunday depending on when you decide your work week begins, but whatever day you choose as the day before your work week starts, that is when you should sit down and plan your week. When you get into business for yourself you lack the structure that you had in your previous job and our brain is wired to expect that structural management system.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You need to know what you’re actually going to be doing that week and what you’re working on. I love to theme my days. In planning for my maternity leave and building the Coaching Framework Builder and everything else, I found myself context switching a lot and not actually getting anything done, so theming your days really helps you stay focused. Learn to put those structures in place now and it will absolutely be to your benefit.

3. Set boundaries when it comes to your work.

This goes for with your partner, kids, parents, friends, but even with yourself. It can be really hard in the early days when you’re trying to prove yourself and maybe aren’t making a full-time income yet, but you have to set boundaries to avoid having your time taken advantage of.

Having a designated work area and even a system like a handkerchief on the door to let family/roommates/etc. know when it’s okay to interrupt you can really help. We have to honor our boundaries though because people, including ourselves, will (sometimes unknowingly) take advantage of our time, and even though this is an amazing business that provides you with all these opportunities, there's still a job component to it.

4. Recognize that productive doesn’t mean clocked hours.

So I kind of alluded to this earlier where I think we can really get in our head about feeling like we have to prove ourselves somehow. And just by kind of sitting at our desk and trying to do things (and those things could be playing business as opposed to actually doing business) we're clocking in these hours that make us feel better and make us feel more worthy of being able to have this privilege of working for ourselves.

That isn’t healthy, so you really have to work on delineating between playing business and doing business. Simply ask yourself if you’re working on things that are actually driving results within your business or are you doing this because it makes you feel good? Then set time limits for yourself, especially on the things that feel more like playing business. Just make sure that you’re actually focused on making progress in your business, not just spending time on it.

5. Publicly announce things before they’re “ready.”

So you can publicly announce a launch and when it's going to happen or when something is going to be available before it is actually even created or before it's really ready to be launched. The trick here is to put yourself on an accountability plan by making a public announcement, and even if not a lot of people pay attention or hear about it, you've just stated that and put it out into the world. So now you get to go and do the thing and follow through.

This goes back to losing structure because you’re also losing that accountability component that you would have had as an employee. Now you’re the only one holding you accountable. This is also a great way to keep yourself from procrastinate planning or procrastinate perfecting, because you don't you no longer have the time to just keep working on something and keep telling yourself it's not ready yet.

So that wraps up my 5 tips for any of you who are planning to go full-time or just looking for some structure in your coaching business. Consider some of these things and give yourself permission to do the things you've always told yourself you wanted to do when you finally did go full-time. And then honor that and know that you don't need to prove anything to anyone in order for you to do certain things. Take some of these tips and put them in place so that you can continue to make progress in your business and really feel like you are moving forward!

If you want to get the foundational elements of creating a framework and putting it into a well packaged program in place, enrollment is open for the Coaching Framework Builder where in only 5 weeks, you can have a fully built out methodology for your own financial coaching business.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!
