$1k client

Episode 222: 10 Things Stopping You From Getting Your First 4-Figure Money Coaching Client

WW 222: 10 Things Stopping You From Getting Your First 4-Figure Money Coaching Client

WW 222: 10 Things Stopping You From Getting Your First 4-Figure Money Coaching Client - Solo Show

Bringing in that first client can be tough. Getting your first $1k client can be even harder. For this episode, I wanted to share about the 10 things that could be stopping you from landing that $1k or more coaching client, and I’m excited to share this with you now because it’s something we dig really deep into working on in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint (which is open for enrollment!) If you’re having trouble getting a $1k or more client to book you, see if one of these reasons resonates with you. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 220: 5 ROI Figures to Showcase the Value of Financial Coaching

  2. Enrollment is open! Apply for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint program now!

  3. Register for the Free 4 Day Challenge to get to your first $1k money coaching client (happening June 1st through June 4th)!

  4. The Client Attraction Content Matrix is here! Jump inside and get a year’s worth of content in a matter of hours! (Hint: There’s a special deal if you buy The Pricing Formula, first!)

  5. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Join The Pricing Formula to help you start charging the right price!


  1. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the Pricing Formula. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

Bringing in that first client can be tough. Getting your first $1k client can be even harder. For this episode, I wanted to share about the 10 things that could be stopping you from landing that $1k or more coaching client, and I’m excited to share this with you now because it’s something we dig really deep into working on in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint (which is open for enrollment!) If you’re having trouble getting a $1k or more client to book you, see if one of these reasons resonates with you.

10 Things Stopping You From Getting Your First $1k Coaching Client:

  1. Belief it's not possible to make money from money coaching.
    Do you believe it’s actually possible to get that $1k client? Belief is just an interesting thing - they’re just thoughts we keep on thinking, and your beliefs create your reality. Believing it’s not possible to make money from coaching is just self-sabotage.

    What to do: Find the people who are making money at it and use that as proof for your brain to change the narrative for yourself.

  2. Not knowing what the path forward looks like.
    This is definitely true for brand new coaches, but it can be the case for some seasoned coaches too who feel like they’re at a sticking point. When you feel like you aren’t sure what to do today and tomorrow or how to charge more for your coaching, it can feel like staring into a black hole.

    What to do: Ask questions to other money coaches to understand what their business model looks like. Figure out what specific tasks you need to do to move your business forward.

  3. Lack of confidence in your ability to deliver.
    The number is arbitrary, but if a client is going to pay you $1,000 to coach them, then you have to have the confidence that what you’re giving them is equal to that in value. A lot of coaches struggle with this because there’s no way to guarantee results for people.

    What to do: Create a perfectly suited program for your clients where you know that if they do complete everything perfectly, they’ll be guaranteed results, then remember that if they don’t follow through perfectly, they’re still going to be much better off than before they worked with you.

  4. Not understanding how valuable money coaching really is.
    So this is another belief, but there’s a really easy way to back this one up and search out the proof. Along the same lines as not thinking it’s possible to make money from coaching, this is also going to stop you. You’re going to undercut the value because you don’t fully understand the value of it yourself.

    What to do: Listen to Episode 220 for the 5 ROI Figures to Track in Your Money Coaching so that you can see the real value and numbers behind what you’re doing.

  5. Listening to the wrong people (other money coaches, non-coaches, family/friends).
    Who are the wrong people? Anyone who isn’t your ideal client, a mentor that sees the vision for/with you, or yourself. The wrong people are looking at the competition or what they feel like you should charge or are people who haven’t done what you’re doing.

    What to do: Put your blinders on and phase out listening to the wrong people so that you can focus on those high-ticket ideal clients and what they’re telling you they need.

  6. Not talking about your offer over and over again (sound like a broken record).
    A lot of times when I’m working with new clients (and this is something I used to do as well), I find that they’re not talking about their program enough. Don’t assume that the one or five posts that you made were enough. People’s attention spans are very small and they’re very busy.

    What to do: Establish yourself as a brand and figure out what your legacy is that you want to be known for and then talk about that over and over and over again.

  7. Lack of enthusiasm when talking about your offer.
    This is one that I think probably sounds easier said than done. You ultimately are the one in charge, and that often leaves us feeling like we don’t know what we’re doing. You have to get in front of your audience and talk about your solution, but you have to do it with enthusiasm. People will meet you energetically.

    What to do: Show up with confidence and deliver the information about your program, offer, and solution with enthusiasm that’s going to get people excited about what you have to offer them.

  8. The need for instant gratification (under price, give up too soon).
    This is a big one and something we’re so desperate for because we have so much convenience in our lives. Things happen so quickly these days that we forget that building a successful, sustainable business takes time. Don’t undercut yourself or confuse your potential client because you’re desperate to sell, and then don’t give up just because you didn’t get results immediately.

    What to do: Have patience. The answer to this one isn’t fun or sexy, but it’s have patience, resiliency, and determination. Take the time to build a great program, educate your potential clients on your solution, and build the sustainability aspect that you need your business to have.

  9. Doing things "backwards" (build the course, then sell it).
    I think a majority of people do things backwards. Most people decide they want to coach, find the audience they want to serve, and then spend so many hours and dollars building a program only to not see the results.

    What to do: Do the research on the front end. Build a framework and an outline, then configure it, sell it, and THEN finish it. Deliver as you go. This is something we do in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint and it’s because it helps you build and deliver a program that is exactly what your clients needs.

  10. Out of integrity with what you're asking your clients to do... make an investment in your future!
    This could come in a couple different forms, but integrity is so necessary for coaches. Even if you’re still working on your own finances, if you’ve worked through something already and have a solution, a process, or a timeline, then you can absolutely teach that to someone else. That is still in integrity.

    What to do: Think about the transformations that you have actually worked through yourself and build your offers and solutions around those. The clients you should be looking for are the ones who are back where you were before you went through this transformation.

    If any of these resonated with you, and you’re ready to start booking high quality, high ticket clients into your program, then apply for this round of the Wealthy Coach Blueprint because these are all areas that we work through and support you with to help you start booking 4-figure money coaching clients!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!