
Episode 239: How To Generate Leads for Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 239: How To Generate Leads for Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 239: How To Generate Leads for Your Financial Coaching Business - Solo Show

Today we’re going to talk specifically about how to bring more financial literacy to the world by making sure you’re getting more paying clients…which means generating leads. I want to walk you through all the things you need and all the different ways that you can attract these people to you and turn them into paying clients. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today we’re going to talk specifically about how to bring more financial literacy to the world by making sure you’re getting more paying clients…which means generating leads.

Now, I’m going to be honest with you: I don’t love the term lead generation. I don’t like referring to people as leads because I want to focus on the fact that they are actually people that I am trying to bring financial literacy to. So when we talk about generating leads, we’re really just talking about attracting people to you.

I’m ranking these by the things I think you should be focusing on first even though the last few are the things that everyone else is telling you to do.

Before you even consider growing your following/email list/etc. we need to clarify your specific niche. You need to know them so well in order to actually attract the right people to you and your business.

The other thing you need to have is your defined framework of what you offer. When you get into these spaces and into collaborations, you want to be able to offer something of value and easily talk about how you serve people, and your framework is the key to that.

The final thing you need to remember before we dive into where to attract your people is that 10 qualified leads is far better than 100 new followers or subscribers on your email list. However you’re bringing in your people, so often we forget that they’re people. We want 10 qualified people who are truly our ideal clients and ready to work with us over just gaining followers so that our numbers rise. You need real connection.

So let’s get into all the different ways that you can attract people (generate leads):

1. Communities

Getting into the communities that your ideal clients are in is going to be one of the best things you can do.

You can start with your network. Make the announcement many times and see who’s resonating with that announcement and then reach out to them directly. Don’t assume and don’t sell them right away, but qualify them and take it from there.

Get in Facebook groups. This is a great way to find a target audience of captivated individuals. Become a part of the community there and contribute and ask great questions so that you can build connections with those people who are already interested in the same things you’re looking for.

Local communities/groups. This could be virtual too, but you’re looking for groups within your area where your ideal client type would show up and you won’t necessarily be competing with anyone else. For example, if you’re looking for single moms, don’t find a group for single moms that talk about money, but find a group with single moms that’s more lifestyle or business focused.

Clubhouse. I’m not very well-versed on this one, but at the beginning of 2021, this app was great for finding particular captivated groups of specific people, so you could find Clubhouse rooms where your ideal client is hanging out, if they’re on Clubhouse.

Networking events. These could be in person or virtual, but again, find places where it’s not you competing against everyone else. Be the standout person in your industry in that room.

2. Collaborations

Ideally if you’re trying to bring new people into your business, you want to find ways to get in front of other people’s audiences. This can be intimidating if you’re new or have a small following, but that’s why it’s important to know who you serve and what you offer, so you know who to reach out to for a collaboration.

Guest post. Look for blogs where you could write a guest post that helps establish you as an expert to that new audience and present what you have to offer.

Get interviewed. Similar to the blog, find podcasts, YouTube channels, or even social media channels (like IGTV or doing a live) where the person you’re collaborating with can interview you and share your expertise.

Feature other people. This isn’t as effective as getting directly in front of someone else’s audience, but you could also interview someone on your channels/platforms or let them guest post in the hopes that they’ll share it with their audience.

Joint venture partnerships. This is basically just affiliate marketing, so you’re offering someone an affiliate commission for anyone they send your way. You can do this through collaborations too.

3. Referrals

This is a great way to bring new people into your business that you may not have been able to reach otherwise.

Past clients. These are the best people to send referrals your way because they’ve already worked with you and know how great you are. Remind them not to keep you a secret!

Friends. Don’t forget to ask your friends in your network who they know that they could introduce you to. It’s a good reminder for them in case they can bring you up in a conversation.

Strategic partners. Find someone you’re not directly in competition with (financial planner, mortgage broker, realtor, lawyer, etc.) where it could be mutually beneficial for you to refer each other because you have a similar client base.

4. Heavy resources

This is the section that everyone will tell you to do, but really takes a lot of money in ads or a LOT of time and patience to put into it in order for it to be effective.

Offering a free download. This is probably the most popular. You create a lead magnet and they put in their email address to grab it so now you have their email as a lead.

Hosting a free webinar. This has been pretty worked through, but I do know people that are still doing it successfully. You take them through an hour or so long training and then pitch your offer at the end.

Hosting a paid masterclass or offer. You can also do a paid version of a webinar or lead magnet, which is interesting because you’re generating leads but also a little additional revenue as well. Sometimes those leads are more qualified too, because they had to actually invest a little to get in your network.

Hosting a free challenge. This is another popular one, but just another way to get your expertise in front of your audience in a more drawn out version of the webinar.

Obviously this wasn’t a completely comprehensive list, but it’s a great list to help you start trying out what works and getting creative with what you need to do to attract more people. I highly recommend focusing on just a couple of these things and not all of them (especially all at once) and focusing more on the community building and connection building ones at the top of the list instead of the traditional overused options that don’t as easily build that connection.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!