Financial coaching value

Episode 220: 5 ROI Figures to Showcase the Value of Financial Coaching

WW 220: 5 ROI Figures to Showcase the Value of Financial Coaching

WW 220: 5 ROI Figures to Showcase the Value of Financial Coaching - Solo Show

For this episode, we’re going to dive into the 5 ROI (Return on Investment) figures that you want to showcase that’s going to help your ideal clients see the value of your financial coaching. These are things you need to be thinking about and tracking when you’re offering your coaching and working with clients. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

We’re going to dive into the 5 ROI (Return on Investment) figures that you want to showcase that’s going to help your ideal clients see the value of your financial coaching. These are things you need to be thinking about and tracking when you’re offering your coaching and working with clients.

Even if you don’t have clients yet, you need to be tracking these with yourself (remember, you are your first and best client!) and you need to pay close attention to these figures when you start working with clients. It will bring you confidence in your ability to provide value, but also give peace of mind to your potential clients about the investment they’re going to make with you.

The 5 key figures to track with each of your money coaching clients:

  1. Money not spent month-to-month (from cut down expenses to lowered discretionary spending due to more awareness around spending)

    This is money that you’ve helped your client save (whether they’re putting it in savings or just spending on something else that they actually value) each month. You’ve brought awareness to this spending and helped them cut down on those things they’re spending money on that they don’t actually value.

  2. Additional money earned month-to-month (from negotiating salary, bringing on side-hustle, picking up extra hours or morning/late night shifts)

    This is any extra month that you’ve helped your client bring in that’s in addition to the salary they’re already bringing home. This can be a variety of different ways, but it’s a figure you want to track if you’ve helped them work through this to get more money in their pocket, regardless of whether they’re saving it or spending it on something else.

  3. Money actively set aside in savings, additional principal payments on debt, and/or investments month-to-month

    If you’re client is actively setting aside something for savings but then you help them add to that number, then that’s something you want to track as well. Regardless of what it is that they’re saving for, you’re helping them bring more awareness to their financial picture and their goals and holding them accountable for doing it.

  4. Interest saved from faster debt reduction (future projection after implementing a debt reduction plan)

    This is where we’re looking at the future (specifically with what you’re helping them not spend in the future). If you’re helping your client pay off debt faster than they originally planned, then you’re helping them save on the interest that they would have had to pay if they kept only making minimum payments. Ultimately this just keeps adding to the final tally of money you’ve saved them, and that’s what we care about.

  5. Earnings from long-term investing (future projection after investing set amount and what that amount could turn into/pay off in dividends over the next 10-40 years)

    This one can be a little bit complicated and you have to apply certain assumptions to it, but it can absolutely help your clients frame the value of getting them started early. Of course we don’t know if they’ll keep doing this after you’ve stopped working together or what the market will do, but you’re just projecting what you will have helped them make and/or save in the long term if they keep at what they’re doing with you.

Now just add it all up - the money actively saved, brought in, or invested. That’s the value you’ve added to that client and those are the figures you want to share with potential clients when you’re promoting your offer. Of course there are plenty of non-quantifiable value adds that you give to your clients, but sharing these numbers will help your ideal clients recognize the type of results they can actually expect to get from working with you and see some of the value that you really tangibly provide.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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