Getting back into business

Episode 224: Took a Pause in Your Financial Coaching Business? Here's How To Restart

WW 224: Took a Pause in Your Financial Coaching Business? Here's How To Restart

WW 224: Took a Pause in Your Financial Coaching Business? Here's How To Restart - Solo Show

I wanted to do this episode because this is a situation I’ve found myself in before, and maybe some of you are there too. Maybe you started your coaching business and hit a wall and needed a break. Now you’re looking to get back into it, but you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and like you aren’t sure how to jump back into it. If you took a pause and are ready to get back, then this episode’s for you! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

I wanted to do this episode because this is a situation I’ve found myself in before, and maybe some of you are there too. Maybe you started your coaching business and hit a wall and needed a break. Now you’re looking to get back into it, but you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and like you aren’t sure how to jump back into it. If you took a pause and are ready to get back, then this episode’s for you!

I also just want to say that it’s okay for you to take a break and come back. We live in this world where we feel like we can’t take a break and take time off, but the truth is that we all need that sometimes. So whether you need the permission to take that time off or to jump back in, here’s your motivation and I want to tell you that it’s okay to do it.

So let’s dive in. How do you restart or get back in to your coaching business after a pause? I have 7 things for you to keep in mind as you start to plan your return:

1. Start to tap back into your why.

If you took a pause for any reason, it’s important for you to revisit your why behind your coaching and who you are doing this for. So much of your success in your business is determined by who it is that you’re serving, and that can act as your why. You need to find a strong enough why to feel like you want to get back to your business. Who is waiting on you?

2. Identify what you want and set a specific goal for it.

So many of us get into our business and have a lot of big ideas but we don’t have anything specific or measurable that we’re aiming for. Huge visions are a great thing to have, but you also have to have those stepping stones outlined that are smaller, measurable goals that you can hit in the next month or year.

3. Reverse engineer your goals into specific tasks.

If my goal is to get a client by next month, then I know I probably have to get on X number of sales calls. Look at your numbers and figure out how many sales calls it took you to actually get one client (i.e. your close rate). Then figure out what it takes to get people on the sales call. Your working backwards from the goal to figure out where to start.

4. Understand that the desired level of effort that you’d like to put in might warrant different results than your expectations.

Especially when you start to reverse engineer your goals, you may start to realize that to hit your goal may require more or different efforts than what you were hoping for (i.e. booking one client by next month means you may have to reach out to 1,000 people by then). It all could be possible, but is is what you actually want to do? Manage your own expectations.

5. Give yourself permission to take the more sustainable route.

You want to take the route that allows you to be more consistent in your business. For me, consistency just means showing up when you say you’re going to. It doesn’t have to look like a certain number of times a week, but you have to set an expectation and then follow through on it. Don’t sideline your progress by burning yourself out.

6. Practice having incredible patience and be slow to change.

Often times, especially when you’re starting back up, it can take time to build traction and momentum and to start to see those results. Patience is an incredible value to hold, because a lot of times in business you’re not given what you want, you’re given what you need, and it takes patience to be able to see that and hold to our path until we get to what we want.

7. Remember that failure doesn’t exist if you don’t give up and don’t compare yourself.

So many of us feel like we’re falling behind, we don’t make enough, or don’t have enough followers. You have to zoom out, take away all the other coaches and businesses, and look at where you are vs. where you started. You can’t fail if you don’t give up. If you continue to show up and serve and remember your why, you are going to build that traction and get clients. You’re not competing against others and you’re not on a timeline that’s going to run out.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!