New Year's Resolutions

Episode 254: My New Year Goal Setting Routine

WW 254: My New Year Goal Setting Routine - Solo Show

This week we’re talking about the pre-requirements for building your business as we dive into talking about goal setting. I know we’re past the first week of the new year, but I want this to serve as a reminder to you that it’s never too late to set your goals and that you shouldn’t just set a full year’s worth of goals and never think about them again. You didn’t miss the boat because you missed the first full week of the year. You get to decide when you start. So I’m sharing my favorite tips for breaking your goals down into actionable steps that you can take so that you can knock out your goals in 2022! Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

This week we’re talking about the pre-requirements for building your business as we dive into talking about goal setting. I know we’re past the first week of the new year, but I want this to serve as a reminder to you that it’s never too late to set your goals and that you shouldn’t just set a full year’s worth of goals and never think about them again. You didn’t miss the boat because you missed the first full week of the year. You get to decide when you start. So I’m sharing my favorite tips for breaking your goals down into actionable steps that you can take so that you can knock out your goals in 2022!

So my husband and I do goal setting together and it’s a very holistic process for us. We dropped the idea that everything has to start at the first of the year and did our goal setting last weekend. If you have a partner, I highly recommend bringing them in on this process, but whether you have a partner or not, please prioritize the time to sit down and do this process.

Step 1

I have a key process that I take my clients through and that’s what I’m going to introduce to you today. It’s called setting your 3 by 3 goals and using a life coaching tool called The Wheel of Life. I also introduced something new to our goal setting that you might think is silly, but I thought it would be fun: a tarot card reading. A tarot deck is a deck of cards where each card has a different meaning and I (as a beginner to this) just use the card’s meaning as a way to reflect on what is to come in the year and how I can apply it to my goals.

Step 2

After doing our tarot card pulls, we did the Wheel of Life. It’s much more common in the life coaching space but I find that it’s a really powerful tool for goal setting in general. So take a blank piece of paper and draw a dot in the center. Now draw a big circle around the center of that dot (about 2-3 in. out from the dot) and then draw a line right down the middle from top to bottom and another from left to right. Then draw a large X so that it looks like you have a pie with 8 slices.

Now label each of the pie slices (it doesn’t matter where or what order):
1. Money/finance
2. Career/job
3. Personal growth
4. Fun/enjoyment
5. Friends and family
6. Love/romance
7. Giving back
8. Health/vitality

So now that we have all 8 labeled, you’re going to rank how you feel (in terms of fulfillment) in each of these areas. So the dot in the center represents 0 and the outer circle represents 10. So put a dot in each slice closer to the dot if you’re feeling really bad about that area or farther out if you’re feeling really fulfilled in that area. Then reflect on that for a moment.

Now connect these dots. You’re going to see a shape that you’ve created within this pie. The goal now is to think about this as a way of “how can I get my life more fulfilled?” You want that shape that you created to look more like a circle. Which areas are closer to the center dot that you’d like to work on and push out closer to the edge of the circle? Circle the 3 lowest numbers/dots and draw an arrow out the edge of the pie (because the goal is to extend these out to a 10). Reflect on and talk through these areas (both good and where improvement could be had).

Now that you’ve done that reflection, pick 3 areas that it would make the biggest impact for your life to improve. Now we’re going to set goals that holistically center around these areas and we’re only going to focus on these areas for now.

Step 3

Now it’s time to set these goals, and I want to say this before we start setting goals. We’re only setting goals for the next 3 months. You want to set goals that are maintainable and realistic and help you keep reflecting and setting new goals throughout the year. Every 3 months you should reflect, reassess, redo your Wheel of Life, and set goals for the next 3 months. The other thing is that if we’re creating new habits, try to pick a goal where building the habit doesn’t take you more than 2 minutes a day. If it only take 2 minutes, it’s easy to convince yourself to get it done.

For a longer term goal, back out and say “how do I get there?” What small tasks do you need to do or habits do you need to create to get to that goal? How can you create small tasks each day that don’t take very long that will help you work up to that goal? You can create not only time-bound goals, but also those habitual, task-specific goals that are all working together to help you get to your big goal.

I wouldn’t set more than 3 goals in a category because you want to be able to actually commit yourself to the tasks and maintain the goal. To be honest, in some of my areas I only have 2 things. You want it to be easy to stick to, easy to work on, and easy to complete, so that in 3 months you can reassess everything and keep improving and setting new goals. This is the process for setting goals that you can actually accomplish and won’t just set and forget!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Pricing Formula below!

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