Sales mistakes

Episode 180: 5 Sales Mistakes You're Probably Making and What To Do Instead

WW 180: 5 Sales Mistakes You're Probably Making and What To Do Instead

WW 180: 5 Sales Mistakes You're Probably Making and What To Do Instead - Solo Show

Most people have some pretty negative thoughts when it comes to selling. So many coaches shy away from the idea of selling because they have a specific narrative of what selling looks like (and it’s not good!). In this episode I’m sharing the 5 sales mistakes you may be making that are costing you so big, AND what you need to be doing instead in order to be comfortable and successful in sales. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 177: The Catch-22 of Charging for Money Coaching

  2. Apply for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint program to take your money coaching business to the next level. Enrollment is open now!

  3. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the pricing workbook. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!


  1. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook to help you start charging the right price!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

You can probably tell by the title that I’m diving into the 5 sales mistakes that are most commonly made by money coaches and are costing them BIG TIME, along with how you can fix them.

#1: Deciding that you just “don’t do sales.”

I can’t bear to hear this one. I’m sorry but if you can’t sell, you don’t have a business. I do get why you may want to avoid selling or why you may not want to call it sales. I remember when telemarketers would call during dinner and how my parents would get frustrated with it and talk about it to their friends.

Maybe you remember those sleazy type of car salesmen or you’ve had someone reach out (unwarranted) on social media and try to sell you on a weight loss product you didn’t need. Whatever your situation, you probably have some negative thoughts around the thought of selling, but guess what? That isn’t selling!

We’ve attached a definition of what selling is and just decide that selling isn’t for us. When was the last time you bought something that you really wanted and then loved it and told all your friends about it and why they need it too? That’s selling! When you sell your money coaching services, you need to think about the fact that you’re providing your potential clients with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to step up and get their lives changed.

You’re not selling to people who don’t want or need what you have. You’re serving people that WANT to work with you. So start thinking about selling in a different way - a way that is providing your clients with an experience that they need.

#2: Not setting expectations from the kickoff of your sales call.

When you show up to a class or work and you’re invested and ready to work, but then you’re given no guidelines or insight to what’s happening, it feels uncomfortable because no one has taken the lead. This is not what you want on a sales call. Don’t let your potential clients deal with that sort of discomfort.

People want to be lead. They want to have someone step up and say “hey, take my hand and I’ll lead you through this.” Especially your clients! They want you to help guide them and make the best decisions for themselves.

You need to focus on permission. When you hop on a sales call, set the expectations. Take the driver’s seat and explain how the call is going to run, how long it will take, when you’re going to get to know them a little more, when you’re going to tell them more about the program, etc. Then make sure that you pass it back to them and ask them if that sounds good to them. You want their permission to sell to them. That’s what makes the difference between the way you want to sell and the negative image of selling that you’ve had in the past.

#3: Not talking about the money.

I was shocked to find out that people are doing sales calls and not talking about the money on the call. Don’t sell them on the program and then send them the details on the investment later. If you’re not talking about money on the call (especially as a money coach where you get to show your expertise), then you’re missing your first opportunity to guide them.

If you’re setting expectations, then they know that you’re going to talk about your program and the investment. People expect you to talk about money. Use this opportunity to ask them how they feel about the investment and address any objections they have. You want to start guiding them right here, right now.

Also, don’t assume that people can’t pay and immediately talk yourself down on the price or bring up payment plans. When we assume someone can’t afford our services, we start talking the investment down and cost ourselves money.

#4: Not scheduling a follow up call during your sales call.

This is specifically if you weren’t able to get the client to sign up while they were on the call. There are a lot of different ways that you can handle objections right on the sales call, but if you can’t get someone to commit right away, you don’t want to give them time to talk themselves out of it.

Go ahead and set a date and time and send a calendar booking for a follow up call no more than 2 days out. So many sales gets unraveled because there’s too much time to back out. If you go ahead and set up that follow up call, then you’ll know you’ve done the best that you can in your sales process.

#5: Not following up.

When you have a sales call and it goes great, and maybe you even do a follow up call and they say it’s not a good time, let them know that you’re still on your team and still supporting them. You want to come from a place of service and show them that you have the highest place of intention for them.

But a huge mistake that I and other coaches have made is not following up. Of course it feels like it bruises your ego when they say no, but you have to put those feelings aside and follow up with them. Set your ego aside and realize that you have the capability to change someone’s life here. Don’t let it keep you from doing the next right step.

Don’t assume that this person never wants to hear from you again. Check in, follow up, and see how you can support them. It’s worth it to continue to check in and nurture that relationship. They may never even become a paying client, but they may refer other people or give you a testimonial on your free content that they consume.

Those are the 5 mistakes and solutions for you while you’re choosing to know what sales really is and choosing to look at it differently. Talk about money and stand in your power and connect and build those relationships. We cover so much more of this in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint, but I hope that you take this information and use it to change your view of sales and empower you to find more success in it.

If you’re ready to take your money coaching business to the next level, what are you waiting for? Apply for The Wealthy Coach Blueprint by going to Enrollment for the next round of the blueprint is open, so apply now to save your spot in the 20-person round.

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