Self sabotage

Episode 211: How To Craft Your Wealthy Coach Identity

WW 211: How To Craft Your Wealthy Coach Identity

WW 211: How To Craft Your Wealthy Coach Identity - Solo Show

Today’s episode is special because we’re digging into a little bit of the mindset stuff that comes with money coaching (like imposter syndrome, self-doubt, comparisonitis, etc.) and using it to develop a tool that you can use when you’re getting in your own way: your wealthy coach identity. We dig into this early in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint because what typically holds us back in the beginning is our mindset, which is why I wanted to share this identity piece on the podcast. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today’s episode is special because we’re digging into a little bit of the mindset stuff that comes with money coaching (like imposter syndrome, self-doubt, comparisonitis, etc.) and using it to develop a tool that you can use when you’re getting in your own way: your wealthy coach identity.

We dig into this early in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint because what typically holds us back in the beginning is our mindset, which is why I wanted to share this identity piece on the podcast. If there were a shortcut, tapping into your wealthy coach identity would be the shortcut to overcoming and solving a lot of the obstacles that you might be facing in your coaching business.

So let me introduce to you what I mean when I talk about tapping into your wealthy coach identity:

We as human beings have an identity that we hold onto, but if you want to get to the 2.0 version of you and get different results, something has to change. You have to do something different and dig into this wealthy coach identity. You need to paint a picture of what you want your life to be (and using visualization here really helps).

Quick prime example: Beyoncé Knowles. She as an individual is a little more reserved, a little quieter, and isn’t necessarily an entertainer persona until she walks on stage, but she taps into Sasha Fierce, an identity that she has created for herself to help her show up and be the best entertainer that she can be. That is her 2.0 version and her wealthy identity.

So whatever it is that’s holding you back or stopping you from moving forward, ask yourself:

- How would my 2.0 version of myself handle these things?
- What would they do?
- What would they think?
- How would they handle this scenario?

Again, if you want different results you have to do different things. That’s how you get what you want: you little by little become someone who has those results already (the 2.0 future identity that you’ve created for yourself).

So let’s do a little visualization exercise so that you can start to picture your wealthy coach identity. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine yourself a few years from now. Imagine:

- You’re starting out your day and you’re allowing yourself to indulge in this time in the morning and doing the things that you’ve always wanted to do to start your day.
- Now imagine that you step in front of a mirror and just look at the person looking back at you.
- How do they carry themselves? How do they feel and appear? How do they treat themselves?
- Now lean into that. See that person for who they are.
- Keep moving throughout your day. How do you kickstart into work and what do you do that allows you to make that impact?
- Imagine knowing that you have a fully booked out roster making the impact you want to make. Whatever the vision looks like for you, imagine that your capacity for clients is full.
- Your clients feel supported, committed, and equally invested in this work. Envision how you work with them, how you show up, how you put yourself out there.
- Imagine how confidently you handle the occasional objections that you get on a sales call. Imagine how you market what you have to offer.
- Think about as you round out the day, you get to see the results that your clients have and how they’re thanking you. This is why you do the work that you do, and now you get to spend the rest of your evening on other things that you enjoy.

Now you can come back to today, and that’s your wealthy coach identity. That’s who you can tap into when you need a reminder of who you’re becoming. Insert more personalized things into that visual for yourself, but tap into this every time you need it most or you’re starting to self-sabotage or when you don’t believe in yourself.

When you visualize who you need to be to show up, you start to think from that perspective and then act from that perspective, and it’s those actions that we take that get us results.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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