Social Media Tips

Episode 233: 8 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid in Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 233: 8 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid in Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 233: 8 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid in Your Financial Coaching Business - Solo Show

This week’s episode is inspired by some questions I’ve gotten on social media, so of course I’m going to make it an episode! We’re going to be talking about some social media mistakes to avoid in your business and while you’re marketing your business. This is definitely not a comprehensive list, but here are 8 mistakes that I see coaches making (and that I probably made myself at some point!) Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

This week’s episode is inspired by some questions I’ve gotten on social media, so of course I’m going to make it an episode! We’re going to be talking about some social media mistakes to avoid in your business and while you’re marketing your business. This is definitely not a comprehensive list, but here are 8 mistakes that I see coaches making (and that I probably made myself at some point!)

So let’s dig in! Here are the 8 social media mistakes to avoid:

1. Overcommitting to an aggressive posting schedule.

This one comes up so much when I’m working with my clients. What inevitably happens is you can’t keep up because you’ve overly committed to this schedule and you get discouraged. It happens so often because everyone thinks you have to post every so often to stay relevant, but that isn’t true. There is no necessary number of times that you need to post.

You need to have a posting schedule that focuses on you answering “what do they need to hear from me today?” Commit to the amount of posts you need to do that well. Don’t follow a formula you found online - figure out what works for you.

2. Not tapping into trends.

This one is specific for platforms specific to Instagram and TikTok. There are a lot of trends on those platforms. If you’re using Instagram, tapping into Reels is a trend in and of itself and is going to help you get in front of more people (assuming you’re creating great content).

There are a lot of different ways to hop on a trend. With Reels for example, it can be the music / sound byte, the type of way people are doing transitions, the question they’re answering, etc. You want to take those trends that people love watching and put your own spin on it to focus on the client you work with and the problem you solve.

3. Having posts that aren’t relevant.

I’ve talked about this a lot, but I see it so often. People post just for the sake of posting and it’s usually not relevant to their clients or the solution that they offer. Even when you’re posting about you, you want to tie it back to your clients. Your posts need to be relevant and have a strategy for relating back to the problem that you solve.

4. The post is lacking a key point.

Even if the post is relevant, sometimes it can be missing the key point that ties everything together. You have to ask yourself “what does my client need today?” You need to write your post cohesively and make sure that you have an end goal in mind for every post. Read your post back as if you were your ideal client.

5. Having too many calls to action in one post.

Just like you can have a post that’s all over the place and is missing a key point, some people also have posts that have too many calls to action in their posts. Calls to action include asking them a question, asking them to DM you, like, save, share, etc. When there are too many, it really confuses the reader instead of being engaging. Be really clear about just having one key point and one call to action in each post.

6. Not showing your face on social media.

Whatever platform you’re on, you have to show your face. Maybe it’s out of your comfort zone and not something you’re used to, but people are most attracted to human interaction. They want to be able to put the face to the name. This really helps to build that know, like, and trust factor that helps them want to work with you. This industry specifically is an intimate space, so if you’re going to be someone’s coach they need to see your face and feel comfortable with you.

If you’re not comfortable with that front facing camera, just practice. Practice creating Stories and Reels on Instagram with no real expectation of posting it. Play around and just get used to being on camera and drop the desire for perfection.

7. Every single tactic of trying to gain followers on social media.

There are so many different ways people tell you to get followers, but they’re almost all mistakes. As a business owner, your goal on social media is not to gain followers or have the biggest following. The goal is to reach the people that are your ideal clients. If that’s only 10 people but those people are highly engaged and love the content you post and resonate with it and want to interact with you more, then it’s a success. That’s way better than having 1,000 random Instagram followers.

Understanding who your clients are and how you can connect with them individually is going to get you so much farther. Think about what makes you follow others.

8. Hard pitching without consent.

I receive so many messages every week from people I’ve never connected with who are trying to sell me something. That feels icky to most of us. When you are pitching, selling, or talking about your program, you want to get consent to talk about it. You likely would already be in conversation with that person and they’re probably telling you one of their problems, and you would say something along the lines of “I have this program that solves this problem. Would you like to hear more?” Have a conversation and ask them if you can let them know about your solution instead of hard pitching.

That wraps up the 8 social media mistakes that I’ve seen lately. I’ve seen a lot of my clients struggle with these and a few of them I’ve even made myself. Send me a message on Instagram @tess_wicks and let me know of other social media mistakes you’ve seen for a part 2!

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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