business mindset

Episode 181: How I Did It Scared & Started Coaching

WW 180: How I Did It Scared & Started Coaching

WW 181: How I Did It Scared & Started Coaching - Solo Show

In this episode, I'm going to share my own personal experience of facing fear, trusting myself, and starting my money coaching business scared. I'll outline the ways fear manifested in my own business and how I reframed those fears and limiting beliefs to support me and my business. I'm also going to give you a sneak peek taste of something I teach inside of The Blueprint to help my money coaches understand where the confidence to create, offer, and deliver a life changing coaching package really comes from. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 177: The Catch-22 of Charging for Money Coaching

  2. Apply for the Wealthy Coach Blueprint program to take your money coaching business to the next level. Enrollment is open now!

  3. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the pricing workbook. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!


  1. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook to help you start charging the right price!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

In this episode, I'm going to share my own personal experience of facing fear, trusting myself, and starting my money coaching business scared.

I'll outline the ways fear manifested in my own business and how I reframed those fears and limiting beliefs to support me and my business.

I'm also going to give you a sneak peek taste of something I teach inside of The Blueprint to help my money coaches understand where the confidence to create, offer, and deliver a life changing coaching package really comes from.

Before diving in, this week's episode is brought to you by The Wealthy Coach Blueprint - and in even more exciting news, enrollment is OPEN!

I was on a call with a client of mine the other day and she said something along the lines of: "I know I just need to, like Ruth Soukup says 'do it scared'." when she was referring to making her coaching offer to the world and begin to start signing on clients.

That clicked with me. I'll be honest, I haven't read Ruth's book that's titled "Do It Scared" but I know about Ruth from the blogging world, and it reminded me of one of my favorite quotes that also comes from a book I own but have never read "Feel the fear, and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

I first learned of this quote during my sophomore year of high school at diving practice.

Let it be known, I was a pretty awful diver... people would literally gasp during my dives, because instead of flinging myself away from the board, I'd go just to the right of the board to do my tricks, and at the angle everyone was sitting, they always thought I was going to smack some body part on the board.

Anyway, for practices, we shared a pool with the local college swim and dive team and we showed up one day with the quote written on the white board on the back wall where the diving board ladders were.

We later made t-shirts with the same quote on it. And I've sort of lived my life by that quote ever since.

Despite having that priming, I'd run up against situations that would create a lot of resistance within me. Offering money coaching, being one of them.

What you don't see or hear very often from most seasoned entrepreneurs, especially business coaches, is how scared they were when they first started too.

Scared, uncertain, doubtful, confused, self-conscious, worried... you name it, we felt it, and you might be feeling it too. Thinking about how to approach a coaching call, or how to craft a money coaching package and program.

It’s still scary, because you don’t know what it will look like on the other side, but you have to feel the fear, and do it anyway.

But it’s easier said than done, which is why I wanted to share the key fears I had when I started my business. I want to share them with you because I know some of them will resonate with you and be your limiting belief too.

The majority of the time your feelings are a result of a limiting belief that you have. I want to show you how I reframed these fears to benefit me.

All the ways fear manifested for me and almost kept me from money coaching:

  1. I felt nervous about not knowing the answer to a question they might ask in our session.

  2. I felt unqualified since I wasn't a CFP or had a certification.

  3. I worried that I could really "fill the time" that I had promised them with useful and valuable information.

  4. I was afraid that I couldn't get amazing results for my clients.

I reframed by:

  1. Reminding myself that I didn't need to know all the answers. It was just as valuable to my clients to have someone who was resourceful enough to go and find the answers for them.

  2. Reminding myself that even those who were "more qualified" might not have the best interest for my client (why not me?) they may not necessarily focus on the same problems that I focus on - the problems my clients actually had, AND even those who appear qualified still struggle with their day-to-day personal finances - which is something I learned the longer I was in the industry.

  3. Reminding myself that more does not equal more and too much is not always a good thing. My job is not to provide endless amounts of information to overwhelm my client with, my job is to facilitate a transformation and if the client can get that through the appropriate lessons and accountability, that's fine. If they can get that through a 30 minute check-in call that doesn't require the remaining 30 minutes of our set 60 minutes, that's amazing! As a coach, you're not selling your time, you're selling a transformation to your client. Help them reach their goals, and it doesn't matter how many minutes you spent on the phone with them.

  4. I had to remind myself that I knew my process worked - it worked with me, it worked with my friends, and if someone is going to show up and do the things I tell them to do, it will work for them. Your clients’ results are not yours. A quote that I go back to helped me with this: “The reason you can’t is the reason you must.” I knew that the hesitations my clients would have in working with me ARE the reasons they needed to work with me. I realized that just because I hadn’t invested in money coaching didn’t mean there weren’t people out there who would and who needed the value that I could provide as their coach.

The coaches I talk to, whether they're working their way through The Blueprint or we're chatting in my DMs on Instagram, they keep coming back to wanting to feel confident about creating a great program, about being able to help their clients, about being able to sell their program and services knowing it will change lives.

It can be scary when you first get started, it can also be scary when you advance to a new level of running your business, working with a new caliber of clients, taking on new opportunities, or dealing with uncertainty - all of which you will no doubt be doing as you work through your entrepreneurship journey.

Here's the truth: Experience breeds confidence. Confidence is not the requirement to be a great and successful money coach, it's the reward from doing it time and time again.

That's why it's vital that I offer both mindset training and support AND weekly accountability within The Wealthy Coach Blueprint. Because I know what you need to get that experience, and I will not let you give up thinking that you would never build that confidence without making sure you're getting that experience that will ultimately produce confidence.

Inside the Blueprint core curriculum, we talk about this even more extensively in the second phase of the program because it's so important for new, aspiring, and even current money coaches to remember: starting and building your own business will challenge you way more than you've ever thought possible.

I introduce to you the 4 C's formula that was first introduced to me by Dan Sullivan, by way of my first business coach.

It's the idea that confidence doesn't come until you've committed, showed courage, and developed the capability. What's funny is that getting confidence isn't hard, becoming capable isn't hard, it's the courage that usually tasks us the most, and for some.... the commitment.

The money coaches going through The Blueprint don't have a hard time developing that confidence because they commit the day they sign up for the blueprint, and together, as they make their way through, we work together to display courage and develop the capabilities that they need to show up as the best money coach.

Again, confidence isn't the requirement, it's the reward.

If you’re ready to take your money coaching business to the next level, what are you waiting for? Apply for The Wealthy Coach Blueprint by going to Enrollment for the next round of the blueprint is open, so apply now to save your spot in the 20-person round.

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!