business mindset

Episode 184: How To Get Started as a Financial Coach

WW 184: How To Get Started as a Financial Coach

WW 184: How To Get Started as a Financial Coach - Solo Show

Getting started might be the most difficult hurdle you have to overcome in your financial coaching journey. There are so many things that can keep you from taking that leap and putting yourself out there. In this episode, I’m going to share the obstacles that I know hold many money coaches back from diving headfirst into financial coaching and changing the lives of their clients, PLUS some of my best advice on how to take the plunge, without a ton of risk. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Recommended Listen: Episode 168: Why You Must Pick a Niche & Why It Feels So HARD

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  3. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the pricing workbook. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!


  1. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook to help you start charging the right price!

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Getting started might be the most difficult hurdle you have to overcome in your financial coaching journey. There are so many things that can keep you from taking that leap and putting yourself out there.

In this episode, I’m going to share the obstacles that I know hold many money coaches back from diving headfirst into financial coaching and changing the lives of their clients, PLUS some of my best advice on how to take the plunge, without a ton of risk.

I really believe these steps I’ll be sharing with you can help you significantly put some of these doubts and internal limitations at bay, and step out confidently as a financial coach!

So, let’s get started with the top things that I see holding new and seasoned coaches back from really revving up their business and getting started as a money coach:

  • Imposter syndrome - not “knowing enough” - no credentials/certifications - even with certifications, having a lack of confidence

  • Not knowing how to find clients

  • Not knowing what a money coaching program even looks like - what to offer, etc.

  • Trying to figure it all out yourself, doing your own research and believing that you have to implement all the surface-level things to “look like a business” first, before you can be a coach and start working with clients (website, freebies, email list, blog, etc.)

  • Perfectionism - Being slow to act, not putting things out there to get feedback and then iterate

Now that we know what’s likely holding you back, and if there’s anything else that I didn’t cover, PLEASE shoot me a DM on instagram, my handle is @tess_wicks, because I’d love to help you tackle anything else that might be creeping in as a thought gremlin…

But let’s dive into some of the steps, I know you can take NOW, to get started as a financial coach… and NO it has nothing to do with buying an online course to learn how to do social media marketing or setting up a website! <gasp>

Step 1: Determine a specific, identifiable ideal client avatar or profile.

Step 2: Immerse yourself into the lives of your ideal client profile and go out on a limb and interview them!

  • Ask your ideal client profile what their Point A is (starting point) a.k.a. Identify where they are and what their biggest hurdles, internal and external blocks are when it comes to their money (get specific with “money” is it going to be “debt”, “investing”, “budgeting”?) - then find out where they want to be (their Point B).

  • Ask your ideal client what would feel like the most supportive way that you could help them get from Point A to Point B… what does that look like?

  • Ask your client what they would be willing to pay for that level of support, assuming you can help them reach their point B. (Alternatively, if you have a price point in mind, double it, and ask your client what they would want/expect from you to pay that amount.)

Step 3: Build out your own process that will help your ideal client go from point A to point B using all the info you gathered.

Step 4: Show up in the one place where the majority of your clientele are hanging out (you can ask them this when you interview your clients as well!) and talk about your process and your coaching services!

Step 5: Work to build relationships and be consistent and persistent.

Step 6: Sign on clients and take them through your process! Collect feedback as you go and tweak and improve your process with every new client you get. Focus on delighting your current clients to get them results - this makes it easier to get more clients and grow your coaching business!

Step 7: Repeat

I like to believe that through The Wealthy Coach Blueprint, we make it super easy for you to start your money coaching business with confidence, but not everyone who joins the blueprint is just starting out.

What’s so great about the blueprint is that we meet you where you’re at - you can join at any stage of business and still see massive change and get amazing results from the knowledge that you gain and the accountability and container to implement and receive support.

Get on the waitlist.

If you don’t want to wait, you can get started with building your coaching business, now! Grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!