business mindset

Episode 188: 5 Surprising Ingredients To Be The Best Financial Coach

WW 188: 5 Surprising Ingredients To Be The Best Financial Coach

WW 188: 5 Surprising Ingredients To Be The Best Financial Coach - Solo Show

So many coaches think they know what they need to be an amazing coach, but the truth is that most of those things tend to be unnecessary or even the opposite of what you actually need. In this episode, I’m sharing the ingredients that actually make you a great coach - I bet they surprise you! - and why I think they’re so important. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

So many coaches think they know what they need to be an amazing coach, but the truth is that most of those things tend to be unnecessary or even the opposite of what you actually need. In this episode, I’m sharing the ingredients that actually make you a great coach - I bet they surprise you! - and why I think they’re so important.

Ingredient #1 is the psychological mental strength to keep your mouth shut.

I know that sounds weird, but coaching is so much about listening and behavioral monitoring. A huge problem I see in the coaching industry is that there are coaches that fill like they have to feel all the space with content and the right answers.

You don’t need to be an expert in everything and have every answer. Your client should honestly be talking more than you. The way you can be the best financial coach is to listen and monitor their behavior, because the way you’re going to get your clients the results they want is to make them understand that their actions and behavior are what’s going to get them the results, and if they don’t change the behavior, nothing else will change either.

Ingredient #2 is empathy and understanding.

This is probably the reason you got into coaching in the first place - you want to help people. Sometimes though, there comes a point where you can’t get something through to a client and it gets frustrating and you forget that empathy piece.

This starts by respecting your client’s view of the world, because we all come from different backgrounds and circumstances. You need to understand where they’re coming from before prescribing a solution. Remember that you want to calibrate on behavior. Find the reason behind why they’re doing what they’re doing and dig into those thoughts behind the why.

Ingredient #3 is having your signature framework or process.

This is so important for so many reasons, and it wasn’t until I implemented my own framework that I started seeing clients jumping to join the program. You need your clients to clearly see how this is going to fit into their life. Take what you’ve seen work for your clients or yourself and distill it down into a 3-5 step framework.

Ingredient #4 is resourcefulness.

This goes back to the top about coaching being a behavioral-focused career. You don’t have to have all the answers, but you have to be willing and resourceful enough to go find the answers if it falls in the scope of what your client is paying you to do. That’s also why it’s so important to have a scope and set expectations with your client.

Ingredient #5 is permission.

Permission is such an important piece of the entire business process, all the way from having conversations with potential clients to your sales call to working with your clients. But there’s also permission that comes up within your coaching. You need permission from your client to call them out and hold them accountable on the actions they’re taking and the ones they’re not.

You need to make this part of your agreement before you work with a client. You want them to know that you need to be able to call them out on their excuses and their goals in order to lead them to the results that they want.

All 5 of these ingredients play together and tie in with each other. You’ll notice that none of them have tangible expectations or requirements like going to school for this. These are the ingredients that make for a great financial coach and help get your clients the results that they want.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to feel confident about your pricing and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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