business mindset

Episode 192: Why “Less is More” In Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 192: Why “Less is More” In Your Financial Coaching Business

WW 192: Why “Less is More” In Your Financial Coaching Business - Solo Show

For this episode I want to talk about why the idea of “less is more” can actually be extremely valuable to your money coaching business and how you can apply the concept. I’ll break the episode down into 2 parts - business building and delivering your coaching - and share your steps for keeping it simple in both areas. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

Listen to the show:


  1. Apply for the waitlist to be one of the first to get more information about the Wealthy Coach Blueprint program, which will be opening enrollment again in November!

  2. Want the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook for free? Leave a review for the podcast on iTunes, take a screenshot and email it to me at and I’ll send you the workbook for free as a thank you!

  3. Tag me on Instagram @tess_wicks to show yourself working through the pricing workbook. DM me your questions, thoughts, and feedback and I’ll send you a voice message with answers and so much love!


  1. Feel frustrated with pricing your services? Grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook to help you start charging the right price!

  2. Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!

A Quick Recap from this episode

For the first part of this episode I’m going to focus on keeping things simple in your business operations. We’ll talk about:

  • Learn about “stuck states”

  • The Rule of 4 One’s

  • Why I keep things simple (because I know you won’t do it otherwise!)

Then for the second part of the episode, we’ll focus on keeping things simple in your coaching by talking about:

  • Your Process

  • Delivering in your curriculum and calls

  • Providing your client with clear and minimal options

Before we dive in, I’m excited to share about this week’s sponsor: The Wealthy Coach Blueprint!

The Wealthy Coach Blueprint is my 12-week business building program for new, aspiring, or current money coaches. I want to share a couple of the experiences from current and past money coaches that have gone through the program:

  • Tara: Upon launch, booked 6 sales calls and got her first 2 clients in just 1 weekend!

  • Erin: Launched her coaching program while transitioning to full-time RV living, now on a 2 year journey with her husband and her pups, she has people finding her program and is consistently signing on new clients!

  • Tionna: Just launched her program with so much success. Her biggest concern (like so many money coaches) was her price point at first - not knowing if people would really pay for what she’s offering - on her second sales call, she booked her first ever paid in full client and has a 100% sign on rate in one day with zero objections!

I’m so excited for my clients’ results and would love to help you get similar results in your money coaching business! If you’re interested or want more information, jump on the waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens in less than a month!

Now, let’s dive into how to keep it simple in building your business.

  1. Overwhelm is a "stuck state" - when you have too many things to do, too many plates to spin, you ultimately get to a point where you don't know what to do first in your day. You don't know how to chip away. So you end up just doing nothing instead. Your body goes into analysis paralysis.

  2. This is why my process in building a business and helping other money coaches build theirs is to keep it simple and start with The Rule of 4 One’s:

    1. 1 specific niche market

    2. 1 high-touch life changing program for that market

    3. 1 conversion mechanism (how to turn leads into clients - sales calls)

    4. 1 traffic source (platform to create and connect on)

  3. So if you sign up for a program of mine, you might think "this is so simple!" and that's the point! Because if it's difficult, I know you won't do it.

Before we close out, let’s talk about keeping it simple when you deliver your coaching.

  1. Keeping your process and your program simple is a GOOD thing! - so many of my clients, while working through building their program, have this fear that it’s going to be too easy for their clients and their clients are going to think they wasted their money if it was that easy - but we have to reframe this:

    1. First, if it were so easy that it’s not worth paying for, why aren’t your clients doing it yet? Don’t discount your knowledge and habits that you’ve already learned and developed - just because it seems simple for you, it might actually be a bit less simple for your clients. Even if it IS just super simple - Why don’t your clients have the results yet? Probably because they don’t have the awareness or understanding about how to put the puzzle pieces together - perhaps they believe it needs to be harder and they need YOU to tell them it doesn’t have to be hard, it can be easy.

    2. Second: don’t you need to make it simple so they will actually do it? Overcomplicating could ultimately lead your clients to get confused, overwhelmed, and ultimately not take action because they feel stuck on how to actually implement and figure it out - plus, how sustainable is it if it’s so hard?

    3. Lastly: People don’t value simple things less - in fact, they value it MORE! If it’s simple enough that they will implement it and then actually get results, that’s worth way more than creating something SO overcomplicated and dense with information that then they don’t implement and thus, don’t see results.

  2. More is not more when it comes to stuffing your program or coaching sessions with information - it leads your clients to overwhelm:

    1. Beyond your process, there’s the actual delivery of your program and process, and often clients feel that they need to have TONS and TONS of info enveloped in their program, even though they know the golden rule of coaching “Information does not create transformation without implementation” there’s still this deep seated belief that we are only offering value if we can stuff and fill the time and space with lots and lots of useless material.

    2. Instead, stick to the “KISS” method - Keep it simple, silly. If you can make the point in 10 minutes, keep it that way. Even though you think you need to provide 90 hours of material because you see other people advertising that, think about all the programs you’ve ACTUALLY finished all the way… probably not many - and probably because they weren’t simple and to the point. Instead, they just kept filling and filling and filling.

    3. Same goes for your coaching calls - if you get the client to a breakthrough or get them clicking with things before your hour long call is up, end it there - give them time to take it and implement it.

    4. Remember, we’ll pay an extra dollar for milk if we can make less of an effort to go out and get it (it’s simpler and more convenient) people pay for simplicity and convenience.

  3. Keeping the options low is also good - as a coach your job is to provide options and help your client understand what their options are and the financial consequences of those options, your job isn't to advice or make the decision for your client - BUT don't provide too many options. Keep it simple!

    Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

*These links are affiliate links. I’ll get a small commission if you sign up/buy, but this comes at no additional cost to you!