
Episode 249: 4 High Leverage Components for a Scalable Money Coaching Program

WW 249: 4 High Leverage Components for a Scalable Money Coaching Program - Solo Show

Today I want to answer a question that boggles the mind of so many money coaches, especially when they can’t see the future of what money coaching can be. They’ve talked to people and looked around and thought “this isn’t a scalable business.” I want to talk about HOW you can scale your business and share 4 high leverage components with you that will help you do that. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Today I want to answer a question that boggles the mind of so many money coaches, especially when they can’t see the future of what money coaching can be. They’ve talked to people and looked around and thought “this isn’t a scalable business.” I want to talk about HOW you can scale your business and share 4 high leverage components with you that will help you do that.

So many new and even seasoned coaches struggle to think about their money coaching in a way that they can scale it, but it IS possible. I struggled for so long with this idea while trying to live and work abroad and build my own coaching business, but I’m here to tell you that it is doable.

So I want to share with you the 4 key components that I have found through my own coaching and in being coached that can be leveraged to help you scale your coaching business.

1. A curriculum

This is the first thing we dive into and what I think is the most key thing to scale your business in a more efficient way or to scale your business into something like a group program. For too long I tried my program without a curriculum. I found myself constantly repeating myself and doing the work with the client, and I’d only spend a small amount of time answering questions and focusing on the next step. What I realized is that having a curriculum would save me so much time and be so much more effective for my clients in helping them get results.

When I talk about a curriculum, you can think of it as any self-paced course that you’ve gone through, but it’s mainly anything that’s going to help your clients get up to speed with the financial literacy that they need to have and give them tasks to get started on, so that when you get on the call you can focus more on answering questions and on the next step forward. This can pretty much take any form you want and can look like whatever you want but it’s going to help you and your client highly leverage your time together.

2. Bring on some co-coaches

This is specifically when you get to a point where you’ve done the 1 on 1 and have started some form of a group program and now want to scale it bigger. What a co-coach (or assistant coach) can do is handle some of the smaller group coaching sessions, whereas you do large group Q&A sessions. That way they all get equal time with you, but still get that personalized guidance from the co-coach.

How you structure a co-coach really depends on the structure of your program, how many students you have, and what you want to offer in your program. There are so many different ways for you to create personalized coaching when you bring in co-coaches to help you with the transformational process. Just be very transparent and up front with the fact that you’re using co-coaches.

3. Back end systems

This isn’t technically in your program necessarily, but is in your business. If we’re talking about filling up your client roster and going into group programs, then you need a client relationship management system to keep you from being spread too thin. I personally use Asana and I give Asana templates to my clients in the Wealthy Coach Blueprint, but there are a lot of options out there for you to try.

These systems are going to help you keep track of where everyone is at with the program and homework or what they said on their calls. Use these systems to send out intake forms, welcome packages, and your core curriculum homework, plus manage all the 1 on 1 calls and anything else that clients have to work through. You can keep track of leads and other content that helps get clients into your program.

4. Have boundaries

Oh, boundaries! It’s everything we love to hate because it’s not a physical thing you can install or build out or hire. But you have to have them and hold yourself accountable for keeping them. These are so important if you’re going to scale your business. You need boundaries with yourself and your weekly schedule, but also with your clients. Making your boundaries clear to your client and setting expectations before they sign up is key to staying in your zone of genius.

The most important thing with boundaries is just to be clear and transparent from the very beginning about what the client’s expectations should be and what you’ll expect from them. This is such an important factor to check in with yourself on frequently and keep holding yourself and your clients accountable for.

So those are the 4 key components (though this isn’t necessarily a comprehensive list) that are highly leveraged to scale your money coaching business and take it to the next level.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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