Introverted Financial Coach

Episode 228: 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing as an Introverted Financial Coach

WW 228: 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing as an Introverted Financial Coach

WW 228: 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing as an Introverted Financial Coach - Solo Show

Social media marketing sometimes feels like a necessary evil for your business, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re an introvert it can feel even more daunting and you just automatically feel like there’s no way you can do it. I want you to know that it is possible for you to create a platform and a space on the internet that does feel safe for you and feels sustainable and doable. So for this episode, I’m going to share with you my 5 social media marketing tips if you feel like you’re on the introverted side. Loving this episode? Take a screenshot and share it on Instagram! Tag me so I can send you some love (@Tess_Wicks)

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A Quick Recap from this episode

Social media marketing sometimes feels like a necessary evil for your business, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re an introvert it can feel even more daunting and you just automatically feel like there’s no way you can start putting yourself out there and building your business on social media because you’re so shy and introverted.

Trust me, I hear you, I see you, and I understand what you’re going through, but I want you to know that it is possible for you to create a platform and a space on the internet that does feel safe for you and feels sustainable and doable.

So for this episode, I’m going to share with you my 5 social media marketing tips if you feel like you’re on the introverted side.

First, let’s make sure we understand what introverted means and how it relates to social media. So many coaches reach out to me and know they need to be doing more on social media but feel like it’s a challenge. I feel you, because I’m also an introvert. Your own understanding of introversion and how it affects social media is probably your biggest hindrance of marketing your business.

A majority of influencers who are successful on social media are actually introverts. I’ve learned this through following a lot of people and hearing them mention it, but they’re successful because they’ve shifted their mindset on the thought that there’s only one way to do social media and they’ve leveraged it in a way that works for them.

Introverts gain energy from reflection and not socializing, and their orientation is focused more inward on their own thoughts and ideas. It doesn’t mean introvert don’t like socializing, but it means that it drains their energy to do so.

So with that knowledge in mind, here are my 5 social media marketing tips for you if you feel like you’re an introvert:

1. Know your energy peaks and valleys and leverage that to manage your time on social media.

This might look like times of the day or days of the week. Focus on when you have more energy so you can tackle those energy draining tasks. Think about if you have more energy coming off the weekend or if that’s when you feel more drained or if you’re more energized in the morning vs. in the evening.

2. Leverage those energy valleys.

During your energy valleys, you likely need some introspection time, which is a perfect time to think through your content plan, draft outlines for posts or videos and ideate what they’re going to look like. This is when you’re in creation mode and during this time this is the exact type of work that you crave and that you need to feel filled up.

3. Leverage those energy peaks.

Much like I was sharing in tip 1, think about what you do during those energy peaks. This is when you get to turn on and be visible, whether you do that through a pre-recorded video or a reel or actually go live or do a story, this is when you’ll actually do your hair/makeup and put on real clothes and record these videos. You can also spend this time to actually engage with and DM people and put a focus on connecting with people and showing your face.

4. When showing up on social media, think of it as a one-to-one conversation.

A lot of social media really is like a one-on-one conversation because you’re making a video or a post in solitude, putting it out there, and then most people are consuming it in the solitude of their own home too. It’s like sending someone mail, but it gets to them a lot faster. Picture an ideal client in your mind (if you know someone who really is the perfect client, picture them when you’re doing this) and show up for them. Create that content just for them.

5. Set your boundaries and then respect them.

Know that when you set boundaries for yourself, you’re setting expectations of others. If you expect yourself to be perfect then it results in expecting others to show up perfectly. You don’t have to respond or comment back right away. You’re allowed to clock out and clock back in. People will be there at your next peak time. When you’re clear with your boundaries and expectations, other people know what to expect from you.

So those are my 5 tips. So now you know that you can absolutely be an introvert and still be successful in growing your business on social media. If you need assistance in creating high-converting content ideas, check out the Client Attraction Content Matrix! I show you my game-changing tool that helps you create 6-12 months of content ideas in less than 3 hours.

Don’t forget that if you’re ready to keep your pricing simple and get some help making more sales, then it’s time for you to grab the Online Coach’s Pricing Workbook below!

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